

Alaska Miller · 08/07/08 06:40PM

Thanks to today's commenter, dogcat, having a penchant for keeping tabs on Wikipedia Jimmy Wales' waistline we all get to enjoy a peek at what kind of man it takes to head up the world's biggest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on the Internet:

Jimmy Wales, the nobody everybody knows about

Owen Thomas · 08/07/08 12:40PM

"A nondescript man with thinning brown hair and a slight paunch" is how W nondescribes Jimmy Wales, the cofounder of Wikipedia, the site where anybody can write history, and nobodies do. Wales, once known for sporting kimonos and Mao jackets, has reverted to wearing all black, which gives the fashion magazine rather thin material to work with. One would think the magazine would turn to probing his brains, not his looks — but there, too, they came up empty.

Jimmy Wales's former Fox fling wins the Knol land rush

Paul Boutin · 07/24/08 01:40PM

You guys are slow! Conservative pundit Rachel Marsden has already penned roving Wikipedia cofounder Jimmy Wales's first biography on Knol, Google's write-it-yourself compendium of articles. "And it will be a closed collaboration," she adds. Unlike Wikipedia, Knol lets an article's initial author control all subsequent edits. Other contributors can write their own articles about Jimmy, but Marsden's prank hints that Knol fights — in which multiple people attempt to author the definitive entry on a topic — will be a lot more fun to watch than re-re-re-reversions of the same old Wikipedia page.

They put #$*&@! Sanger back in my bio, again!?

Jackson West · 07/15/08 06:00PM

A session at Foo Camp last weekend put on by Christy Canida and Jane McGonigal was meant to teach "things like empathy, how to play a role in a larger group, confidence in social settings, and supporting them in creating meaningful relationships online and in the real world." Wikipedia cofounder Jimmy Wales seems to have spent it text messaging — click for the full photo. Have a better caption? The best one will become the new headline. Friday's winner: "The number of good ideas I've had" by [Fake] Michael Arrington. (Photo by Jane McGonigal)

Jimmy Wales, "punk capitalist"?

Owen Thomas · 07/15/08 03:00PM

In a new book, The Pirate's Dilemma, author Matt Mason holds up geek heroes like Linus Torvalds and Jimmy Wales as icons of "punk capitalism." Given Wales's abject failure to profit from Wikipedia or his follow-on venture, Wikia, I'd say Mason has that label half-right.

Jimmy Wales, cult leader

Owen Thomas · 07/14/08 12:40PM

With 600 conferencegoers, attendance is down, but not dramatically. It's not a boycott; it's a borecott. But 600 followers devoted enough to trek to Alexandria are more than enough to puff up Wales's ego. They think they're attending a conference; like the postadolescents ringing Wales at Foo Camp, they're really just playing his game.

CNBC's Becky Quick joins long line of women emailing Jimmy Wales

Owen Thomas · 07/10/08 06:40PM

Call it a strange attraction: Women whose Wikipedia entries aren't to their liking just can't seem to resist taking their case to the site's stubbly cofounder, Jimmy Wales. Even CNBC's Becky Quick struck up a correspondence, she admits in this clip. Unlike Canadian television commentator Rachel Marsden, whose call for help turned into a sexual fling, Quick is married. To a computer programmer. (I can hear you all eating your hearts out.) Why didn't she just ask her husband for help getting her entry edited? Given Wales's reputation, that seems easier.

How to piss off Jimmy Wales

Owen Thomas · 07/10/08 05:40PM

Watch Jimmy Wales's face as he's introduced in a segment for this morning's episode of Squawk Box on CNBC. Wales has long claimed to be Wikipedia's sole founder — a fact disputed by Larry Sanger, Wikipedia's cofounder. As CNBC's Joe Kernen matter-of-factly describes Wales as the site's cofounder, Wales furrows his brows, starts to open his mouth, darts his eyes back and forth, and then swallows his pride. You can just see him writing a blog post about it in his head.

Jimmy Wales namedrops Richard Branson on CNBC

Owen Thomas · 07/10/08 04:20PM

One of Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales's most charming personality traits is his relentless starfucking. It's a tendency that's exacerbated by his role as spiritual leader of the world's most comprehensive collection of inconsequentially inaccurate details about famous peoples' lives. On CNBC's Squawk Box this morning, note Wales's body language — the shoulder roll, the falsely modest talking-into-his-coffee-cup maneuver — as he chats up New York Times reporter Andrew Ross Sorkin, making sure to remind viewers that he's totally BFF with Virgin founder Richard Branson.

Jason Calacanis picks fight in Palo Alto with missing Wikipedia founder

Jackson West · 07/09/08 07:00PM

No, we did not head down to sleepy Palo Alto for the Search SIG meeting featuring small-time players like Mahalo, Wikia and Microsoft, but Mahalo founder Jason Calacanis seems to wish we did. But why bother going when we can get juicy quotes about Jimmy Wales, who founded for-profit Wikia after failing to figure out how to milk Wikipedia for cash from our home office? Those who tuned into Calacanis's Ustream live video channel got juicy quotes like "Guy's got an ethics problem" and "It's naive to think encyclopedias have anything to do with search"? while bemused Wikia representative Jeremie Miller Nick Sullivan sat on the panel. (Wales didn't even show up) You stay classy, Jason! After the jump, a firsthand report from our tipster, including more of Calacanis's wit and wisdom.

How Jimmy Wales gets the ladies

Owen Thomas · 06/30/08 07:00PM

We've always wondered how a schlubby guy like Jimmy Wales sees so much action. It can't be the I-founded-Wikipedia-can-I-edit-your-page pickup lines — for every Rachel Marsden he lands with those, one thinks Wales would get 10 drinks in the face. At last, we've gotten a scientific explanation: It's the stubble. A recent study found women prefer mates with stubbly cheeks to smooth faces or full beards. (Thank you, Don Johnson.) And according to Wales's comprehensive compendium of facial hair stylings, Wales himself is the iconic paragon of stubble. (Photo by EvgenyGenkin)

What would Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's love child look like?

Jackson West · 06/24/08 05:40PM

One in a while a Web application comes along that's so damn useful, even we'd invest in it. Facebook? Nah. MakeMeBabies, the site that lets you create ruddy-cheeked mashups from any two photos? Its diapers will be filled with nothing but spun gold. Here's what the site came up with from photos of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and girlfriend Priscilla Chan. After the jump, we give a few other notable couples the same treatment. Please do add your own in the comments with our image-upload feature — best and worst fake babies will win an as-yet-undetermined prize of nominal value!

Would an in-house attorney keep Craigslist in line?

Melissa Gira Grant · 06/20/08 03:00PM

Hookers and eBay, shares and cops. If Craig Newmark and Jim Buckmaster, had an attorney on staff with them, would that have prevented questionable legal moves by the founder and CEO of the world's most reliable housemates and hookups platform?

In which we learn Jimmy Wales doesn't really believe in anything

Owen Thomas · 06/06/08 02:40PM

Is Jimmy Wales the sole founder of Wikipedia? Not really. Did he run a porn site in the 1990s? Pretty much. Does he believe Wikipedia should be restrictive or inclusive in its choice of subjects? Both or neither. Is he a follower of Ayn Rand? Not a particularly good one. These are the muddled truths we learn from a profile of Wales in the Economist. The one absolute verity in the article:

Jimmy Wales reduced to couchsurfing across the globe

Owen Thomas · 06/05/08 06:40PM

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales's travel budget has tightened since the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit which pays Wikipedia's and Wales's bills, cracked down on his expense account. Last year, he told Reuters that he used a website, Extrabed.in, to secure a free crashpad with an Indian blogger on a trip to the subcontinent. "When I used ExtraBed to find a place to stay, I was excited to have the opportunity to meet a new family, a new friend," Wales emailed Reuters. That rings true enough; Wales is often excited to meet new friends, especially female ones, and he's too busy to pay much attention to his old family. (Still from Majestikx12)

Jimmy Wales's estranged wife watches over his Wikia failure

Owen Thomas · 06/03/08 11:40AM

Believers in the wisdom of crowds will tell you that wikis, those collections of anyone-can-edit Web pages, are resistant to vandalism. Not so Jimmy Wales's Wikia Search, an attempt to build a search engine along wiki lines, which he is once again touting, this time to Forbes. The search results for "Jimmy Wales" currently display a header with a picture of a smiling woman. Who is she, and what does she tell us about Wikia Search?

Jimmy Wales's grand economic plan for the Middle East

Owen Thomas · 05/29/08 02:20PM

In inviting Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales to chair a World Economic Forum on the Middle East, organizers no doubt thought they were getting a brilliant thinker. Instead, they got a run-of-the-mill Randian, a Libertarian lite who has no ideas beyond cutting "red tape." Watch Wales, in this clip from the Forum's session on "The Future of the Middle East", stumble through his answer to a question on how to get economic growth, and whether he plans to invest more in the region. Sure, Wikipedia's about advancing the sum of all human knowledge. Specifically, Wales getting other people to do so for him. Anyone who expects advancement from Wales personally is doomed to disappointment.

New York Post's desperate bid for Google relevance keys on ... "Rachel Marsden"?

Owen Thomas · 05/29/08 11:20AM

Google has turned us all into monetizable micromarkets. An ad for everyone, and everyone in an ad. the New York Post is now advertising against the keyword "Rachel Marsden" on Google to attract readers. If you're asking "Marsden who?", then you've gotten the point already. Marsden, the Canadian political commentator (and Valleywag commenter), is best known for having been dumped by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on Wikipedia. Current Post readers are no doubt more interested in her reportedly unceremonious exit from the Fox News show Red Eye. What this ad buy tells us: That the Post thinks it can profit from attracting the small number of people who have heard enough about Marsden to search on her name. And that if Marsden is worth advertising against in Google's frictionless marketplace, every last one of us is next.

Jimmy Wales and the Church of Latter-Day Wikipedians

Owen Thomas · 05/21/08 03:40PM

A perpetual dilettante, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has a habit of flitting in and out of his many projects. It's hard to say whether they suffer more from his neglect or from his attention. Wikinews, a news site operated similarly to Wikipedia and run by the same nonprofit parent, the Wikimedia Foundation, has seen Wales suddenly return asking for administrative privileges suspended in his absence to be restored. But why? Wales didn't specify which story he wanted to intervene in, but one tipster suggests that an article about a copyright-infringement claim by the Mormon Church — over a story posted on Wikinews itself — was the proximate cause.