
Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/13 11:58AM

The New York Times is sending political reporter Jim Rutenberg to cover the Hamptons all summer. Rich people vacation spots are, uh, important.

John McCain Gets Rowdy With The 'Times' Over Negative Story

Maggie · 12/20/07 02:55PM

John McCain is getting pushy with the New York Times over a Jim Rutenberg story he wants killed, according to Drudge. The planned piece, six weeks in the making, alleges that McCain gave special treatment to a lady lobbyist over pending telecom legislation. "Rutenberg had hoped to break the story before the Christmas holiday, sources reveal, but editor Keller expressed serious reservations about jounalism [sic] ethics and issuing a damaging story so close to an election," Drudge says. Drama! Also—convenient! Makes us totally forget about yesterday's news that the Times had acceded to a White House request to change the subhed on their CIA story.