
Peter Rojas, protective papa

Owen Thomas · 08/15/08 10:20AM

These days, even birth announcements go out via Twitter. That's how blogger Jill Fehrenbacher, wife of Engadget founder Peter Rojas, belatedly acknowledged the birth of their son, also named Peter. Can't blame her for being busy: She'd launched a commercially minded babyblog, Inhabitots, two days prior. Congratulations are due. But Rojas seems a bit frazzled by fatherhood. The couple also recently bought a new $1.6 million home on Essex Street in New York's Lower East Side. In an email exchange with Cityfile, a database of Manhattan's microcelebrities, he asked the site's editor to remove his condo's street address, citing "harassing materials" sent by mail to his previous residence. Cityfile has declined to redact the address — a matter of public record, in any case. The emails, reprinted below:

Om Malik's green period

Owen Thomas · 07/16/07 03:23PM

Om Malik, the moody tech blogger behind GigaOm, is better known for his blue periods. But now he's entering a green phase with his new environmental blog, Earth2Tech. His heart's hardly in it, however. In sending around a note announcing the site, all he could manage was this: "Apparently like everyone else, we are going green!" For those who know Malik, that's his slightly chagrined way of admitting he's following a trend, not setting one. While it may not attract much excitement from its creator, it's sure to pull in those green ad dollars. (Side note: GigaOm contributor and Earth2Tech lead writer Katie Fehrenbacher is the sister of Jill Fehrenbacher, who in turn is Engadget founder Peter Rojas's girlfriend.)