
30 More Buyouts Coming to the New York Times

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/12 09:26AM

The New York Times, like the rest of the newspaper industry, went through a painful series of buyouts after the 2008 financial collapse exacerbated the already ongoing collapse of the newspaper industry. In 2009, they cut 100 positions. In 2011, they had 20 more buyouts. This morning, they announced they want 30 more.

In Defense of Journalistic Facelessness

Hamilton Nolan · 11/01/11 10:55AM

The mighty, omniscient "journalistic tone" is largely a convenient myth. Newspapers and other media outlets long adopted this self-assured institutional writing style which admitted no doubt as a way to appear more knowledgeable than they really were. The internet, with its radical transparency and focus on personality, has eaten away at this obfuscating tone. Which is good. Sometimes.

Your Fascination With Your Dog Is an Embarrassment (To You)

Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/11 11:57AM

Let's say you're a woman who's worked hard, climbed the ladder, and risen to the very pinnacle of your profession—a historic achievement. You're taken seriously as a writer, a thinker, and a boss; you alone have the power to set the agenda for how many of our most important issues are covered by the national and international media. You have made it. Why—hypothetically speaking—would you not shut up about your stupid dog?

Judith Miller Angered by Concept of Responsible Journalism

Hamilton Nolan · 09/30/11 02:05PM

In your mordant Friday media column: Judith Miller critiques someone else's journalism, the Occupy Wall Street Journal is coming, the NYO begs for a raise, Slate redesigns, and Jill Abramson wants questions from you.

Here Comes Jill Abramson's God Damn Puppy Book

Hamilton Nolan · 09/28/11 01:46PM

In your vivacious Wednesday media column: important media person loves puppies, a publisher's going to jail, NBC News decides to stand for something, Bloomberg View's editor is out, an NYT writer goes to HuffPo, and how to be a dick.

'What Is There to Worry About?' Jill Abramson Unwisely Asks

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/11 12:20PM

In your grudging Friday media column: Jill Abramson is complacent, the WaPo and the Daily Mail bitch at one another, investigative reporters take a hit, job changes at Conde Nast, and Reuters is ambitious.

Five Pieces of Advice For Jill Abramson

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/11 12:16PM

Today is Jill Abramson's first official day as the editor of The New York Times. Congratulations, Jill. We, the faceless Cheeto-eating bloggers of America, lovehate the New York Times as much as you do. Some unwanted advice, below.

Does Jill Abramson Have a Weird Accent?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/11 11:56AM

Last week, Jill Abramson became the first female ever to hold the top editor's job at the New York Times. She'll now be responsible for leading America's most important journalistic institution through a perilous and unsure time of media industry upheaval. So we must ask: what up with her accent?

NYT Spins the Managing Editor Carousel

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/10 01:05PM

This memo just went out to NYT staffers, informing them that managing editor Jill Abramson is stepping down temporarily in order to take a turn running the "news part of the website." Three other top editors will take turns at her job in the meantime. Bill Keller tries to preemptively dismiss the speculation that will result from this but uh, sure looks like some sort of job tryout. "OPTICS."

Network News Declines, TLC's Big Night, MySpace Cuts

cityfile · 06/23/09 12:27PM

• The bleak outlook for network news is getting bleaker: Both the CBS Evening News and ABC's World News suffered all-time ratings lows last week. [HuffPo]
• CBS chief Les Moonves's compensation was slashed by 76 percent last year. He still earned $13.6 million, though, so don't feel too bad for him. [Crain's]
• Depressing: Monday's breakup episode of TLC's Jon & Kate Plus 8 was the most-watched episode of the show ever with 10.6 million viewers. [THR]
• MySpace is closing four of its international offices and cutting two-thirds of its staff abroad advertising falls and Facebook and Twitter take over. [NYT]
• A woman in Massachusetts has filed a lawsuit against Elisabeth Hasselbeck for allegedly ripping off her self-published book on celiac disease. [BH]
• Bravo honcho Andy Cohen is going to be hosting a live show once a week called Watch What Happens. You can watch what happens on July 16. [LAT]