
Kanye West and Kim Kardashian Bypassed Security at JFK, Delaying Their Flight and Causing a TSA Investigation

Taylor Berman · 02/13/13 11:34PM

On their way back from Brazil, where they were busy posing like Jesus and partying beneath Will Smith, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got into some trouble at JFK Airport. After their flight from Rio landed, KimYe passed through customs and then an American Airlines' employee allowed them to bypass a security checkpoint on the way to their connecting flight to LA. When the TSA realized the security breach, they forced the couple to deplane to a private area of the jetway, where they were privately screened. You know, just the way the TSA would respond if a normal couple skipped through security.

JFK Airport Workers Accused of Stealing 100,000 Mini-Bottles of Booze

Taylor Berman · 09/12/12 09:17PM

Mini-bottles of booze, or airplane bottles, or, for the purpose of this post, nips are highly underrated. For one, they're inexpensive; Jim Beam should run you no more than $1.50 or so. Two, they're easy to smuggle into bars, making refilling glasses/corner chugging extra convenient. Three, they're easy to drink on the street because (or so I tell myself) everyone will just assume you're downing one of those 5-hour energy drinks. It seems as though 18 workers at JFK Airport are on my level, as they stand accused of stealing more than 100,000 of the nips from incoming American Airlines flights at JFK airport. As Gothamist reports:

JFK Runway Shut Down Because of Turtle Infestation

Brian Moylan · 06/29/11 12:31PM

Today it was time for an annual ritual, the day when the diamondback terrapins that live near JFK airport force one of the runways to close while they crawl across it to go lay their eggs. Can't we find a permanent solution to this?

Great Blizzard of 2010 Thwarted at JFK Airport

Jeff Neumann · 12/26/10 12:54PM

Agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration yesterday crushed the New Year's Eve plans of many New Yorkers when they busted two men who arrived on a flight from Puerto Rico with 92 pounds of cocaine in their luggage. Bummer. [NYP]

Courtney Love Tantrum Tale Was Lifted from Facebook

Maureen O'Connor · 05/15/10 02:49PM

Flying from London to New York, Peter Frank and boyfriend Michael Bailey witnessed two Courtney Love meltdowns. They wrote about it on their Facebook walls. Four days later, the Post's Cindy Adams ripped them off verbatim.

Excess in Baggage

Brian Moylan · 04/20/10 05:53PM

[A Russian traveler brings some luxury to her impromptu sleeping quarters this morning at JFK International Airport, where she's been stranded for five days thanks to a volcano whose name no one can pronounce. Image via Getty]

Being a Stranded Traveler Stinks—Literally

Brian Moylan · 04/19/10 04:03PM

The worst part of being stranded at the airport due to an Icelandic volcano? It's not being trapped on the road or shut out of hotels. It's having no place to shower!

When Travel Was a Joy

Brian Moylan · 11/25/09 06:09PM

[If you're going to JFK International Airport today, you will see nothing like the pristine modernism from the TWA Terminal in 1962. It will be a complete mess jammed with lines and screaming travelers. Good luck!. Image via AP]