
Seinfeld Survives 'Bee Movie' Publicity Stunt

mark · 05/17/07 11:19AM

As a follow-up to yesterday's story about how studios will spare no expense in creating Hollywood-quality promotional spectacles at Cannes, we present this photo of Bee Movie star Jerry Seinfeld, who gamely donned a bee costume, was affixed to a zip line, and then thrown off the roof of the eight-story Carlton Hotel, eventually alighting on a pier prominently displaying the movie's logo. While the stunt apparently was carried off without incident, there has to be a part of DreamWorks Animation chief Jeffrey Katzenberg that secretly, selfishly hoped the cord would snap and send Seinfeld crashing into the sea (Just enough to make a little splash. Oh, come on, don't be like that! It's not like he was going to cut the rope himself. If it happened, it happened.), creating an even more intense buzz for their upcoming film.

Michael Richards Apologizes to "Afro Americans" for "Force Field of Hate"

Chris Mohney · 11/21/06 11:50AM

You can see bits and pieces of this all over the place today, but here's the whole enchilada — Michael Richards appearing via satellite on The Late Show with David Letterman last night, during a scheduled appearance by his pal Jerry Seinfeld. Richards apologizes for his on-stage racist tirade last week, and while he appears totally sincere and contrite, the whole thing comes loaded with enough squirmy discomfort to make Andy Kaufman's ghost rise up and applaud. Stop laughing!

NYC Co-op Apartment Dirt Revealed

Chris Mohney · 08/03/06 11:45AM

If you've ever wanted to paw through the real-estate records of prominent New Yorkers foolish enough to conduct business under their own names, here's your chance. Curbed points out that documents relating to the sale and ownership of co-op apartments — formerly a mysterious, private affair — have abruptly turned up online. Thrill to Jerry Seinfeld's actual signature on his UCC3 termination! No idea what that means, but with a little digging, you can match up real-world events with documentary parallels — as a tipster notes, here's the evidence of Billy Crudup paying off Mary-Louise Parker to the tune of $1,487,359.33 after ditching her for Claire Danes. Or perhaps you'd prefer to gaze lovingly on Ann Coulter's most recent mortgage? And of course, there's Jeffrey Epstein's West End pad (at least we think it's though sadly not "our" Jeffrey Epstein). Much more, but there are only so many hours in the day. Find anything else particularly interesting? Let us know.

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 03/16/03 01:49PM

· A friend of polo player Adam Lindemann on Lindemann's impending divorce (in that "how will this play at the yacht club?" vein) : "It is a shame...They have three beautiful daughters who will be the new Miller sisters. Everyone really likes them boththey are very popular on the social circuitand we are all hoping for the best." [Page Six]
· Clint Eastwood on dear old mom: "Mumsy and I talk every night on the telephone...Last night, I took her to dinner at my golf club...I built it three years ago because it was so difficult to get tee times at the Pebble Beach Club." [Page Six]
· Old Homestead steakhouse owner suspects that Daniel Bouloud dropped his $50 DB burger because his $41 Old Homestead burger was better. "If there ever was a burger war, I think I kicked ass." Bouloud's spokeswoman: "Having the most expensive burger isn't necessarily something to be proud of." [Page Six]
· We're shocked, shocked to learn that Liza Minelli and David Gest's gargantuan anniversary party has been cancelled because Liza's back in rehab. Irish bad boy Colin Farrell on being a dad: "It's true, yes, I'm going to be a dad. I haven't even told my family yet. It's so cool. I'm fucking chuffed and over the moon" [NY Daily News]
· Jerry Seinfeld's ex, Shoshanna Lonstein, had her bachelorette party in Vegas this weekend. The Word reports that it included a "cameo appearance by Ed McMahon" (which is vaguely disturbing). [The Word]