
Grayboxx founder Bob Chandra not-so-anonymously flaming his investors

Jackson West · 04/21/08 12:20PM

Shortly after posting an item suggesting that Sierra Ventures' Jeff Loomans is a lying, greedy venture capitalist (and receiving comments to the effect of "what do you expect from a creative capitalist?") we received a number of emails outing the founder of local search specialist Grayboxx, Bob Chandra, as the author of the missive. Granted, discretion isn't one of Chandra's strengths — he posted nearly the exact same message from his own account on LinkedIn. That said, a friend of Valleywag who's worked at several successful venture-backed startups nearly gave us a high-five for calling to light the errors of Loomans's ways. While Loomans rules from a well-funded throne, Chandra can at least count on the entrepreneur mob who seem to have his back in this now very public tiff.