Developers ♥ Bloomberg
cityfile · 10/02/08 06:20AM
Big real estate is loving the idea of a third term for Michael Bloomberg. "I think he's the greatest mayor we've ever had," says mega-developer Doug Durst. "Let's keep him forever," says Alex Sapir, the son of billionaire real estate tycoon Tamir Sapir. "He's the best mayor New York has had—certainly in my lifetime," offered up Jed Walentas, the son of Brooklyn landowner David Walentas. Of course, it doesn't hurt that Bloomberg has been especially generous with the real estate industry during his term, and the thought of some career politician coming in and mucking things up makes them shudder. But steel yourself for what's going to come in 2013. Donald Trump is already thinking ahead: "Fourth term? Absolutely! I think it would be great." [NYO]