
Happy Bastille Day, Jean-Louis Gassée

Owen Thomas · 07/14/08 08:00PM

Some have suggested we observe Bastille Day by giving a shoutout to local Frenchepreneur Loic Le Meur. Sorry, Loic, but we still think you're a guy from Kentucky with a convincingly fake accent. Instead, we're saluting Jean-Louis Gassé. I know what the non-olds among the audience are thinking right now: Qui? Gassé was a quote-slinging controversialist who famously sparred with Steve Jobs at Apple, wore an earring and a leather jacket, and talked to Wired about his nipples. Like Jobs, he left Apple to launch a hardware startup that turned into a software startup, Be Inc.

Silicon Valley's golden men

Chris Mohney · 02/23/07 07:00PM

This weekend's must-see movie isn't anything out of Hollywood — it's "Living Pictures/Men in Gold" at SFMOMA, a 40-minute video homage to seven Silicon Valley rich dudes. Created by French artist Sylvie Blocher, the video includes interview-montages with Snocap's Rusty Rueff, former Apple exec and "recovering assoholic" Jean-Louis Gassée, Eventbrite's Kevin Hartz, McDougall Creative's Eric McDougall, Eight Inc.'s Wilhelm Oehl, and Mayfield Fund's Chamath Palihapitiya (pictured). Yep, that's only six — no idea who the seventh is, though Kathy Levinson, formerly of E-Trade, had her footage rendered unusable due to "technical problems." Mmmm-hmmm. Read the Chronicle story for several good sexmoney quotes from the stars, and let us know your opinion if you see the exhibit.