
Obama, Clinton, Biden, Jay-Z Doxxed: 'Hackers' Snag Financial Records, Socials, Credit Reports

Taylor Berman · 03/12/13 07:20AM

A group of apparently Russian hackers, working on the website "exposed.su," claims to have published the private personal information of—or "doxxed"—17 politicians and celebrities. Victims include Michelle Obama, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Attorney General Eric Holder, FBI Director Robert Mueller, all of whom had credit reports posted to the website, as well as Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden, whose social security numbers were published.

Watch Marco Rubio Show Support for Rand Paul's Filibuster by Quoting Wiz Khalifa, The Godfather, and Jay-Z

Taylor Berman · 03/06/13 11:51PM

As of this writing, Rand Paul's filibuster protesting potential legal drone assassinations on American soil was entering its eleventh hour. In addition to support across Twitter as well as lots of concern about when/how Paul's going to the bathroom, the filibuster featured a memorable moment from the Republican Party's number one rap fan, Marco Rubio. As the the filibuster's resident wannabe Afrika Bambaataa scholar, Rubio peppered his speech with references to "modern day poet" Wiz Khalifa, Jay-Z, and the "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse" scene in The Godfather. Let's hope this filibuster never ends.

Caity Weaver · 02/19/13 06:17PM

Alicia Keys says her son gave Blue Ivy her first kiss, even though Bey and Jay obviously seek a more powerful alliance.

Seven GIFs and a Video Showing How Taylor Swift and Jay-Z Won the Grammys

Max Read · 02/11/13 12:43AM

There are only two true approaches to being in the audience at a major televised awards show, forever in conflict: full, 100-percent commitment to having the time of your life, and full, 100-percent commitment to not giving a shit. On Sunday night at the Grammys, Taylor Swift took the first path, and Jay-Z took the second, and those of us watching at home were far better for it.

Your Inauguration 2013 Yearbook

Robert Kessler · 01/21/13 05:50PM

Today Washington, D.C. was all atwitter with the graduation of President Obama from first-term president to second-term president. Here is your Inauguration 2013 yearbook.

Caity Weaver · 01/04/13 07:37PM

Jay-Z drops $1M a year on a luxurious dungeon nursery for Blue Ivy because he is both a great dad AND an evil witch.

The Story Behind the Stories You Loved This Year: Jay-Z Meets an Adorable Old Lady on the Subway

Emma Carmichael · 12/28/12 02:30PM

What happens behind the scenes at Gawker? We know you ask yourselves this question every single hour of every single day, and we don't blame you. We are fascinating. Sometimes we order sandwiches for lunch, and sometimes we order burritos. Sometimes we listen to music while we blog, and sometimes we do not. Sometimes Max Read picks his nose, but not always. With all this in mind, we're sharing with you our official "behind the blog post" backstories for all of the posts you clicked the shit out of this year. Next up: Jay-Z explains who he is to an old lady, world goes awww.

Jay-Z Rides the Subway, Adorably Explains Who He Is to an Adorable Old Lady

Rich Juzwiak · 12/04/12 06:50PM

Today (which happens to be Hova's 43rd birthday), a 24-minute documentary on Jay-Z's 8-show stint that opened Brooklyn's Barclays Center in September was released via YouTube. One highlight of Where I'm From occurs when Jay takes the subway en route to his last show and sits next to a kind-faced older woman named Ellen who has no idea who the fuck she's talking to. The ensuing conversation is infinitely sweeter and more humble than if she had.

Robert Kessler · 10/22/12 03:08PM

Beyonce and Jay-Z may have failed to trademark "Blue Ivy," but they have successfully patented true love and happiness.