
Ever See a Dolphin Eat a Shark?

Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/28/14 05:54PM

A group of marine biologists recently lucked into filming—possibly for the first time—a pod of killer whales trapping and eating a tiger shark near Costa Rica.

Netflix Sunday Matinee: Jaws

Eleni Crush · 07/11/10 12:30PM

The sun's shining, it's 100 degrees outside, and you hear the Ice Cream Truck jingle at least four times a day. It's officially summer. What better movie to re-awaken all of your deep-seated marine creature fears than Steven Spielberg's Jaws?

Shark Watch: This Week in Watery Horror

ian spiegelman · 07/26/08 06:22AM

Just keep telling yourself it's not happening. Yesterday, a teen who got chomped on by one of the relentless hunters was the 15th victim of a shark attack in Volusia County, Fla, this year. "The boy was still in the emergency room early Friday afternoon, undergoing significant surgery. Hospital officials called it more than the average nip on the heel. They said the teen had serious cuts to the bottom of his foot, the top of his foot and his Achilles heel area."

More Killer Sharks Off L.I. Shore!

ian spiegelman · 07/19/08 04:40PM

They get a little closer every day! Just yesterday one of the meat-crazed super-fish was defeated by a crew of life guards after it snuck up on some swimmers at Jones Beach. That's a real beach! Not some silly, pissy Hamptons beach where you deserve to be chomped into chum!

Jaws Comes Home

ian spiegelman · 07/12/08 10:01AM

I keep telling you people-the sharks are coming. It was one thing when the super-predators were feasting on people on the West Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, but now they are right here! "Three possible shark sightings have been reported near Martha's Vineyard, Mass., where the 1975 beach thriller blockbuster movie 'Jaws' was filmed. The Boston Herald said a lifeguard spotted a large shark swimming through the waves off South Beach Wednesday. The shark was also reportedly seen from overhead by a sightseeing plane and was reported by an anonymous caller from Joseph Sylvia Beach."

Shark Hysteria 2008!

ian spiegelman · 05/04/08 12:27PM

So there was that guy killed by a shark last week. But that was only the beginning! Because it's almost summer. And there are sharks with lots of teeth everywhere-and they're gonna eat ya! "Two deaths in the waters off California and Mexico last week and a spate of shark-inflicted injuries to surfers off Florida's Atlantic coast have left beachgoers seeking an explanation for a sudden surge in the number of strikes. In the first four months of this year, there were four fatal shark attacks worldwide, compared with one in the whole of 2007, according to the International Shark Attack File at the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville."