
Meet Marc Jacobs' Supposed Latest Porn Star Boyfriend

Brian Moylan · 12/19/11 11:10AM

Everyone is a twittering that Marc Jacobs has landed himself another gay porn paramour. This time it's Harry Louis, a Brazillian model famous for doing shoots dressed in suits and his other, um, gifts south of the equator. Marc Jacobs is so fucking lucky.

Jason Preston Is Not Looking Forward to the Weekend

cityfile · 08/21/09 09:14AM

Marc Jacobs is reportedly tying the knot this weekend in Provincetown to fiancé Lorenzo Martone. One person who is none too excited by the prospect that Jacobs is finally settling down: Jason Preston, Jacobs' "rent boy" ex-boyfriend, who was once so devoted to the designer, he had his logo tattooed to his forearm. We're not sure commiserating on Twitter with Courtney Love, of all people, is going to provide Preston much relief from his relationship blues—she's got issues of her own to worry about—but if you have a moment today and want to send him a tweet of encouragement (or maybe hire him to "host a party or event"), feel free to reach out. [Twitter]

Marc on Marc, Posh's New Line & Lohan's Leggings

the · 12/08/08 04:00PM

♦ Amusing bits from profile of Marc Jacobs from Rolling Stone, which was reprinted in the Sunday Times: He's now up to 30 tattoos and he spends at least two hours a day at the David Barton Gym. As for his ex, Jason Preston, he has this to say: "I've had boyfriends who were media whores... I don't want to make the same mess again." [Times UK]
♦ If you've wondered why Victoria Beckham's collection of dresses looks like the work of Roland Mouret, there's good reason: Mouret served as Posh's "mentor." [Vogue UK]
♦ Inexplicably, Lindsay Lohan's legwear line is "selling like hotcakes." [NYDN]
Anna Wintour really wants to reiterate that she has no plans to leave Vogue: "With so much uncertainty, one thing is certain: Vogue," read the mag's ad in yesterday's New York Times. [Fashionologie]

Slavery Unites Michelle Obama, Anderson Cooper

Ryan Tate · 10/14/08 08:23AM
  • Anderson Cooper's great-great-grandfather, Cornelius Vanderbilt, held as a slave cousin now owns the plantation where Michelle Obama's great-great-grandfather, Jim Robinson once worked. Cooper's cousin has invited Obama to visit her ancestor's grave. (CORRECTION: CNN said Obama's ancestor did not work for Vanderbilt. [R&M]

Your Magic Words For the Evening: "Jason Preston"

Richard Lawson · 09/10/08 04:58PM

Project Runway is crappy this season, your cat has been acting weird towards you lately, the body is starting to smell and you need to leave the house. Whatever the reason, you may find yourself wanting to go out on the town on this cool late-summer evening. But what to do?? Well we have got the party for you. And all you have to do to get in is say the name "Jason Preston":

Marc Jacobs Marriage Rumors False

Ryan Tate · 07/28/08 07:08PM

There have been all kinds of rumors floating around about Marc Jacobs marrying Lorenzo Matrone, the upmarket Brazilian alternative to former rentboy Jason Preston. There was even a report of a very special brunch in Paris to be followed by a vacation together, which sounded suspiciously like a reception and honeymoon. To get to the bottom of the story, Fashion Week Daily went to the trouble of tracking down not one but TWO of the designer's flacks (GOD can that man NEVER commit??). Spoiler: Jacobs, officially at least, continues to enjoy the precious freedoms necessary for his admirable life as a sexual libertine. That is to say, he is not married. But just to be extra sure, Fashion Week Daily interviewed everyone who has ever worked for, talked to or looked at Marc Jacobs, ever:

Poke Jason Preston, Please

Ryan Tate · 06/19/08 12:49AM

Jason Preston, the on-again off-again boyfriend of designer Marc Jacobs, was, the last time we checked, off-again, and seems to be dealing with the resulting depression the way so many of us do: through sad, small gestures on the internet. The cry for help above came in a Facebook status update, but it may as well have been in an instant messenger away message or Twitter post. Preston should take solace in the fact that, while we're all "gradually... dying," we're not all doing so in beautiful $2,000 Dior boots. In case he doesn't, please remember to "poke" him, in the Facebook sense (of course). [Guest of a Guest]

Jason Preston: Sedate(d) Gay "Bum"

Richard Lawson · 05/22/08 02:52PM

Hey, we love to talk about Jason Preston, fashion designer Marc Jacobs' dim former hooker boyfriend/fiance/friend/who the fuck knows. And now he's going to talk about us! Well, only a little. Two of the boys from NewNowNext, Logo's news outlet, sat down with the geigh-about-town recently, and asked him to address the rumors (often perpetuated by yours truly) surrounding his relationship with Jacobs and dish about summer trends and reality television (he's "working on" getting his own show. He's "in talks" for his own "New York version of The Hills.") He says he doesn't read or care about the gossip, and that he often looks "like a bum" in Dior boots and Diesel jeans! (What does that make me, a rotting corpse?) Also, he has lots of people who love him! Sigh. He's just as dense and (drug?) addled as one would expect. And, of course, he shows off the famous Mariah Carey tattoo emblazoned across his abs. Ugh. I don't mean to be too hard on him, I just can't really abide people who buy into their own (kinda non-existent) hype. In the immortal words of Lucas, "what's with today, today?" Video of the interview after the jump.

Hey Now, Hey Now, The Rentboy's Back

Ryan Tate · 05/20/08 06:22AM

Oh, excellent: Designer Marc Jacobs has taken his love life gloriously downmarket again! He's back with former rentboy and longtime on-again off-again squeeze Jason Preston, according to Page Six, whose tipster spotted the couple "at Pastis Saturday, looking 'very much together, laughing and kissing...'They were overheard saying they'd missed one another during their separation." We were just saying last week that the fellow Jacobs turned up with at the Custome Institute Gala, an "emotionally grounded" Italian advertising executive, wasn't sufficiently scandal-prone for our taste. Let the threesomes and emotional drama resume again! Or perhaps not. Recall that Jacobs recently switched his Facebook status to no longer read "in an open relationship," while Preston switched his to "in a relationship." A sign of the newfound stability to come, perhaps. Either that or Preston phoned the tip into Page Six himself, and Jacobs is sticking with the hunky Italian as common sense would dictate. [Post]

Marc Jacobs' Ex Can Play Facebook Status Games Too

Ryan Tate · 05/16/08 03:18AM

Designer Marc Jacobs recently got a new boyfriend and changed his Facebook relationship status to "It's complicated" from "In an Open Relationship." Does that mean Jacobs is loyal to his upscale new boy toy in a way he never was to threeway-friendly ex Jason Preston? Perhaps! But Preston isn't going to send the new man threatening text messages as he did with Jacobs' last guy, Austin A. No no, he's moved on, and in fact has a new, awesomer boyfriend, who Preston wants all his Facebook buddies to know about, at least according to the status update above, forwarded by an email tipster. Let the race to a Facebook-able California gay wedding begin!

The Many Loves of Marc Jacobs

Richard Lawson · 05/06/08 12:47PM

Trendy Wendy fashion designer Marc Jacobs escorted yet another new gentleman friend to last night's Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute Gala, though no one really seems sure who he is. He could be another MySpace find, or some aspiring hanger-on who stumbled into one of the stores one day. Or he could just be a nice fellow who Marc met at the library and they like to take walks along the river and talk about Lorrie Moore books. (Though that's not, um, likely). What a revolving door this man has! Keeping all the hookers, porn stars, and Mensa members straight (heh) can be difficult. If you need a little help, we've provided some clarification (in list form, natch) after the jump.

Lindsay Lohan's Facebook Page

Richard Lawson · 04/22/08 10:07AM

Our favorite cocaine-dappled redhead, actress Lindsay Lohan, has a Facebook profile! But it's undercover... She goes by the name "Lindsay Ronson," using the last name of her friend (girlfriend perhaps??), DJ Samantha Ronson. She's friends with Marc Jacobs, his ex-fiancé (and former hooker) Jason Preston, The Hills' Lauren Conrad, model Jessica Stam, random internet socialite Cory Kennedy, and a whole host of other notable idiots. It's funny to see that all these loathsome people are connected, though I guess it makes some perfect cosmic sense in a way. Though maybe they don't all get along. She's friends with a "Hiilary Duff" (a notorious enemy) and, judging by her "Wall," she and model Lauren Hastings seem to be in some sort of fight. Also, as you can see from her "Status," she's totes serious about her new sober living ("It was 430 am!!!" she offers as cryptic explanation for something), even though she's been seen hard partying all over the place. Radar has two theories about the possibly "glassy-eyed" Long Islander). Find her "Wall" after the jump, plus, a profile picture of French toast and Parliament Lights (yum!), from Radar

Angry Gay Hooker Threatens Slap Fight

Richard Lawson · 04/21/08 11:50AM

Oh no he didn't! Oh, he did? Fashion designer Marc Jacobs' personal life continues to get messier and messier. Jason Preston has called out his former fiance's current boyfriend, the mysteriously named Austin A. He sent a text message to Marc saying that Austin "better hope" the two don't run into each other on the street. Watch out for Jason, because that 5'6" fag will throw down! Jason, a former prostitute, believes Austin to be a gold digger who ain't messing with no broke sex maniac. Jason readily admits to sending the message, which is so fun! He doesn't care who knows about his raving threats of physical violence. God love an angry dumb person. For what it's worth Mr. A says that he has no hard (hahahahah) feelings toward Jason. [Gay Socialites] After the jump, a strange video of Jason and Marc in happier times.

My First Black Party

Jory · 03/30/08 06:00PM

At 1 AM on Saturday night I am at home, drinking straight Jack Daniels by myself, and feeling equally excited and nervous. I was told by one of my more experienced friends to "absolutely not go before 2 AM." My only knowledge of what the Black Party would be like was Gawker's exit-poll video from last year.