
Japan on Brink of 'Nuclear Catastrophe' After New Blast

Max Read · 03/14/11 07:50PM

After an early-morning explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station damaged one reactor's steel containment vessel and spurred the removal of emergency workers, officials expanded the evacuation zone and braced for "much larger emissions of radioactive materials." How bad are we talking? "It's way past Three Mile Island already," physicist Frank von Hippel tells The New York Times.

The Latest Japanese Disaster News

Jim Newell · 03/14/11 05:17PM

It's Tuesday morning in Japan now, and the country's damaged nuclear reactors still face the prospect of melting down. The desperate move to cool overheated fuel rods with seawater has run into some problems. The death toll is above 10,000. As if this weren't enough, estimates are already trickling in for the country's staggering reconstruction costs. If you have the masochistic need to read any further, here's a roundup of the latest news.

Young Woman Thanks God for Atheist-Killing Tsunami

Richard Lawson · 03/14/11 03:42PM

A delightful young YouTube psychopath, user tamtampamela, has recorded a video in which she praises her bloodthirsty Christian god for killing all those atheist Japanese. This falls roughly in the same category as all the Facebook statusers who cited Pearl Harbor as a reason for not giving aid to the tsunami relief effort. Here are some of your terrible citizens, America! You may now resume enjoying your day.

The Latest News From Japan

Max Read · 03/14/11 01:07AM

Another explosion hit the Fukushima Daichi nuclear power plant, injuring six as authorities scramble to cool the nuclear reactors and contain a partial meltdown three days after the facility was devastated in a massive earthquake and resultant tsunami. Elsewhere in the northeast, thousands of bodies were found washed up on shore. Here's a roundup of the latest news.

The Latest News From Japan

Jeff Neumann · 03/13/11 08:01AM

As Japan struggles to contain partial meltdowns at two nuclear reactors, over 200,000 people have been evacuated from the immediate area. An explosion is feared at another reactor, and both were experiencing some level of core melting. Meanwhile, officials said the death toll in Miyagi prefecture is over 10,000. The prime minister has doubled the number of deployed troops to 100,000. Here's a roundup of the latest news, with updates throughout the day.

Three People Test Positive for High Radiation Exposure In Japan

Adrian Chen · 03/12/11 04:09PM

It's still unclear if the Japanese nuclear plant that exploded this morning is experiencing a meltdown or not. But it definitely is leaking radiation: Three out of 90 people tested in the town of Fukushima "show excess exposure to radiation," reports the Los Angeles Times. "The people had apparently been exposed as they waited outside a school for evacuation by helicopter."

A Shocking Ground-Level View of the Tsunami

Adrian Chen · 03/12/11 12:01PM

As terrifying as they are, most videos from Japan's tsunami released so far were taken at the relatively reassuring level of a hovering helicopter or high-rise-mounted security camera. Here's video taken from a Sendai Airport terminal as the tsunami approaches and washes away cars in the parking lot directly below. It gives you a sense of just how quickly it moved. [via Graham Linehan]

Disaster in Japan: New Photos

Jeff Neumann · 03/12/11 09:09AM

Here are some new photos of the devastation following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. [Images via AP]

Update: The Latest Earthquake and Tsunami News

Jeff Neumann · 03/12/11 08:45AM

With rescue efforts underway following Friday's catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the nation is under a new threat from an explosion at a nuclear power plant. The prime minister has dispatched 50,000 soldiers to the country's north, in addition to navy ships and aircraft. Also, Japanese TV is reporting that 9,500 people are missing from one town.

Did a 'Supermoon' Cause Japan's Earthquake?

Adrian Chen · 03/11/11 01:31PM

People are struggling to understand what caused the hugely destructive earthquake and tsunami in Japan. For some, "plate tectonics" and "random chance" isn't good enough. And this month, the moon will be closer to the Earth than it has been since 1993. So now there's a dumb "supermoon" conspiracy theory gaining steam.

Every Amazing Earthquake Video From Japan

Richard Blakeley · 03/11/11 09:15AM

Earlier this morning an earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale rocked Japan. Here are all the must watch videos coming in from the small island nation. Are we missing any? Email us at tips@gawker.tv and we'll add them.

At Least 32 Killed in Japan Earthquake

Jeff Neumann · 03/11/11 05:41AM

Authorities in Japan said at least 32 people have died in the largest earthquake in the country's recorded history. A disaster management official told the AP, "We don't even know the extent of damage." [AP]

The Unbelievably Terrifying Japanese Tsunami

Max Read · 03/11/11 03:13AM

This is CNN's horrifying, engrossing video of the first tsunami that hit the Japanese coast after Friday's 8.9-magnitude earthquake; apparently, this is muddy water from the Natori river in northeast Japan, pushed upstream into farm fields, taking with it whole buildings.

The World's First Goateed Robot Is Unbelievably Creepy

Max Read · 03/07/11 09:58PM

Why is no one asking about the United States' humiliating failure to compete in the robots-with-facial-hair race? Though American scientists were at the forefront of the bearded robot revolution, a new collaboration between the Japanese company Geminoid and Danish professor Henrik Scharfe has produced the first-ever robot with a goatee (to the best of our knowledge). This is Geminoid DK, modeled on Dr. Scharfe. You should be nice! Someday, "barber for robot" will be the only job left for humans. The ones whose bodies aren't being harvested for energy by the global robo-consciousness, that is! [Geminoid DK]