
Teabugger Tape Dishonestly Edited, Professional Propagandist Misleads

Pareene · 02/17/10 02:45PM

Did you know that when investigative journalist/huge racist/attempted phone-tamperer James O'Keefe illegally videotaped himself fucking with ACORN employees, he was not actually dressed as a cartoon pimp, but actually "in slacks and a button-down shirt"? You probably didn't know that, because not a single media outlet that reported on the tapes ever saw the unedited versions, and O'Keefe's employer Andrew Breitbart lied about them, repeatedly!

James O'Keefe's Wacky Gay Marriage Stunt

Pareene · 02/02/10 11:43AM

See, they went around Massachusetts saying they wanted to get gay married (despite the fact that they were both supposedly straight, with girlfriends) (their girlfriends live in Canada) in order to take advantage of all the various benefits society bestows upon those who enter into that sacred institution, which is a very good argument against gay marriage. Because as we all know, no two people of opposite genders have ever entered into a legal marriage for any purpose other than undying love and an urgent need to procreate.

Andrew Breitbart Is Mad About Something

Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/10 10:03AM

Finally, Andrew Breitbart is speaking out on the liberal media's railroading of phone tap pimp James O'Keefe. Bonus: Lloyd Grove also gets Breitbart to reveal when he's being cantankerous, and when he's merely being jocular. Invaluable perspective! [Daily Beast]

Teabuggers Just Pesky Kids, No Big Deal

Ravi Somaiya · 01/29/10 05:41AM

After a few days' of flusterment, conservatives have finally settled on a suitable justification for the teabuggers — they're just crazy kids, horsing around, and we shouldn't take their antics seriously.

James O'Keefe Gets Thrown Under the Bus

Ravi Somaiya · 01/28/10 06:53AM

The AP report that he boasted to a conservative think-tank of a big project in New Orleans that they'd soon be hearing about. And they did. Then joined other conservatives in throwing him under the bus.