
Hudson Hongo · 10/26/14 02:30PM

Former cellmates of murdered American photojournalist James Foley say he and other ISIS beheading victims were tortured by their captors. According to a report published by the New York Times Sunday, the hostages were "routinely beaten and subjected to waterboarding." "It was when there was no blood, that we knew he had suffered something even worse," said one released captive.

Crazy Conservatives Are Sure a Gitmo Detainee Killed James Foley

Adam Weinstein · 08/22/14 09:42AM

James Foley was courageous, and his murder by an apparently English-accented zealot of the Syria-based Islamic State was so horrific that no simple narrative can do it justice. Unless, that is, you're a conservative political opportunist of a special sort, eager to pin the crime on liberal policies.

Another American Journalist Has Been Kidnapped In Syria

Adrian Chen · 01/02/13 01:20PM

American journalist James Foley is missing in Syria after being kidnapped six weeks ago, his family announced today. According to witnesses, the 39-year-old freelancer was taken by unidentified gunmen on Thanksgiving Day in Idlib, the same turbulent northwest Syrian province where NBC foreign chief foreign affairs correspondent Richard Engel was kidnapped last month. Engel and his team were freed on December 18th, but Foley's condition is unknown.