
Taylor Berman · 07/31/13 09:15PM

Looks like the boycotts didn't work: the Rolling Stone issue featuring Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on its cover was a hit. The “Boston Bomber” issue sold 13,332 copies in retail stores, more than double the magazine's average sales from last year.

#FreeJahar: When Conspiracy Theorists and One Direction Fans Collide

Max Read · 04/25/13 02:21PM

Up until last week, "One Direction Infection," a Tumblr blog created and maintained by an eighth grader we'll call Claire, looked like any other 14-year-old's Tumblr: a bright pink background, a default font that resembles cute handwriting, an embedded MP3 player playing Daddy Yankee and Jesse McCartney, and scores of photographs and animated GIFs of the members of One Direction, Britain's biggest boy band.