
Jacob Is Unseated After 14-Year Dominance As America's #1 Male Name

Dayna Evans · 05/11/14 01:45PM

The outrage. After a fourteen-year dominance of the baby name charts, Jacob is no longer what parents are naming their tykes in the US. An equally biblical name has taken over the number one spot: in 2013, Noah was the most popular name given to baby boys.

LOST Sheds Light on The Man in Black and Jacob

Anderson Evans · 05/12/10 12:42PM

Brothers Jacob and ...uhhhh... yeah, we're definitely still calling him The Man in Black got their own full flashback episode last night. It seems Jacob isn't quite as cool as you might have thought, while the MiB? Still a badass.

That Guy From LOST Will Piss On Your F@$%ing Rug

Anderson Evans · 04/01/10 02:46PM

He is credited as Blond Treehorn Thug in the iconic Big Lebowski, but if you've ever watched LOST you know him as the mysterious Jacob. Watch the identities merge in a hilarious mashup coming after the jump!