
Jack Flack To Dealbook

Hamilton Nolan · 10/06/08 03:41PM

Portfolio PR blogger Paul Pendergrass, a.k.a. Jack Flack, one of the media's sharpest translators of corporate bullshit, is leaving the mag and joining the NYT's Dealbook blog. Where his bullshit-translating skills will doubtless be put to good use. [PRNewser]

WSJ Does Good Imitation Of Portfolio Blogger

Hamilton Nolan · 05/05/08 04:47PM

"Jack Flack" at Portfolio.com is one of a small handful of bloggers who writes things that are interesting and intelligent about corporate PR. One of his trademark constructions is "Parsing XYZ," where he takes some statement or speech or press release full of corporate doublespeak and decodes it. I identify him so closely with that stuff that I even gave him credit the last time I used the word "Parsing!" But not so for the Wall Street Journal, which ran a column last weekend with a premise virtually identical [see update also, below] to an earlier Jack Flack column: