
Are We Orlando or Are We Brands?

Rich Juzwiak · 06/17/16 10:00AM

The It Gets Better Project is maybe Dan Savage’s most ingenious creation, and that’s really saying something given that I’m referring to the man who made Rick Santorum’s last name synonymous with a frothy mix of lube and fecal matter. The initiative Savage formulated in 2010 with his husband Terry Miller in the wake of a string of gay teen suicides incentivized activism by conflating it with something young people of today find irresistible: talking about themselves. Seated in the comfort of their own homes, and by barely lifting a finger, gay people could share attempts at goodwill, inspiration, and accrued wisdom with those struggling with issues regarding their sexuality. One day, gay youth, your life will be better than it is now, the flood of selfie videos said. One day, maybe you’ll get to feel righteous by filming yourself talking about yourself, too!

We Fixed That Awful Homophobic "Coming Out" Video

Ashley Feinberg · 07/02/15 03:20PM

A bizarre video by conservative nonprofit Catholic Vote has been making the rounds these past couple days. It features brave, young adults who become watery-eyed as they find the courage to “come out”...against gay marriage. Because that video is arguably insensitive and unquestionably absurd, we’re happy to offer the corrected, more sensible version above.

Parks & Recreation's Nick Offerman Supports 'Movember' With 'It Gets Better' Parody

Jordan Sargent · 11/15/12 11:56PM

"Movember" gives men an excuse to grow ridiculous mustaches during the month of November by raising money and awareness for men's health issues such as prostate and testicular cancer. Nick Offerman, aka Ron Swanson of "Parks & Recreation," rocks a rather illustrious mustache, and in this video offers support to those men (like, me) who can't say the same.

Dan Savage Sorry About 'Pansy-Ass' Comment, But Bashing Gay People with Bible Quotes Is Still Bullshit

Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/30/12 10:15AM

Syndicated columnist and anti-bullying activist Dan Savage delivered the keynote speech at the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention in Seattle two weeks ago. Never one to mince words (or make up new ones), Savage once again criticized the hypocrisy of justifying anti-gay attitudes with bible passages while ignoring the parts that advocate for slavery or torture or other things considered offensive today.

'It Gets Better' for Gay Mormons, Too

Louis Peitzman · 04/07/12 01:42PM

Brigham Young University has been called one of the least LGBT-friendly campuses in the U.S.: according to the "It Gets Better" video produced by Brigham Young University students, 74 percent of LGBT students at BYU have considered suicide, and 24 percent have attempted suicide. The video was made by campus group Understanding Same-Gender Attraction (USGA), which is not officially recognized by the Mormon university.

Lady Gaga Sings Tribute to Bullying Victim Jamey Rodemeyer

Lauri Apple · 09/25/11 12:28PM

Jamey Rodemeyer—the 14-year-old high school freshman from Buffalo, N.Y. who recently committed suicide after enduring years of bullying for his sexuality—was buried by his family yesterday, and in his honor Lady Gaga dedicated her iHeartRadio Music Festival performance of "Hair" to him. Rodemeyer was a huge Gaga fan, and even thanked her in his final blog post. His death seems to have had a profound effect on the pop star, who's announced on her Twitter that she wants to meet with President Obama to press for legislation that would make bullying a hate crime.

Rebecca Drysdale Lets Gay Teens Know How Better It Can Get

John Trowbridge · 01/05/11 04:10PM

Rebecca Drysdale sings about the insanity gay and bisexual kids put up with in high school and how amazing it get's after high school (i.e. fame, sex, fulfillment). Bonus inspirational speech at the end.

Suze Orman's "It Gets Better" Video: "Look at Me Now"

Matt Cherette · 11/02/10 01:56PM

"I am proud that I am a lesbian," says Suze Orman in this new video for the "It Gets Better" campaign. Orman's video is part personal story, part inspiration, and all sorts of fabulous. Bullies, you are denied! Watch inside.