
Pregnant Palestinian Woman and Child Killed in Israeli Airstrike As Tensions Escalate

Brendan O'Connor · 10/11/15 10:30AM

Tensions escalated across Israel and Palestine Sunday as a pregnant Palestinian woman and her child were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian officials said. Elsewhere, the New York Times reports, according to Israel’s internal security service, Shin Bet, a Palestinian woman killed herself and a police officer after she tried to ignite a gas balloon in her car.

Taylor Berman · 07/28/15 12:40PM

Jonathan Pollard, the former U.S. intelligence agent sentenced to life in 1987 for selling classified information to Israel, has been granted parole and will be released in November.

Security Footage Shows Woman Torching Car After Being Denied Cigarette

Taylor Berman · 04/29/15 11:00AM

Yesterday, police arrested a woman who allegedly set a car on fire at a Jerusalem gas station after she was reportedly refused a cigarette. Security footage from the station shows the woman talking to a man pumping gas. After apparently asking him a question—several Israeli news outlets report she asked for a cigarette—she walks away, pauses, and walks back to set the man’s car ablaze.

Should Twitter's New Anti-Violence Rule Only Apply to Terrorists?

Sam Biddle · 04/22/15 03:15PM

After months of criticism that Twitter’s lax abuse policies have put women at risk and allowed ISIS to flourish online, the social network just updated (and broadened) its formal abuse policy. Now, merely “promoting” violence—just plain old violence, regardless of context or reason—is enough to get your feed axed. But what if you’re the U.S. Air Force?

Max Read · 03/03/15 11:46AM

What is "everyone" talking about right now? "Everyone" is talking about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address to congress about Iran's nuclear ambitions, which is happening as I post. If you want to learn more about the speech, read here. If you want to discuss the speech as it happens, use this space.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/30/14 08:09AM

Fizz-input company Sodastream announced that it will move its factory out of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, so it may finally be safe for left-wingers to make seltzer at home.

Which White House Official Called Benjamin Netanyahu a “Chickenshit”?

J.K. Trotter · 10/28/14 04:21PM

Today Jeffrey Goldberg published an essay at The Atlantic about rising tensions between the governments of the United States and Israel. Things do not seem to be going very well. Goldberg opens his piece by quoting an unnamed “senior Obama administration official” who recently told him: “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit.” Bibi is the nickname of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.