
Facebook Proves People Are All Alike (Dumb)

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/08 09:27AM

Islam people: they're just like us! They go on Facebook and start groups and then spend hours and hours arguing with each other over bullshit. Except they're arguing about, like, god, instead of The Hills or whatever. You thought that the battle for Arab hearts and minds was playing out in the slums of Iraq? No, it's all about some upper middle class grad student nerd in Egypt talking shit online!

Mickey Mouse in Hiding as Muslim Cleric Issues Fatwa Urging His Death

STV · 09/18/08 12:25PM

Mere hours after officially declining to buy into the Borat franchise, Abu Dhabi's new billion-dollar film enterprise may soon rebuff yet another burgeoning cultural nemesis: Mickey Mouse. The magazine Israel Today reports this week that a Muslim cleric has issued a fatwa urging the murder of the Disney mascot, "whom he characterized as an agent of Satan sent to corrupt young minds." It's not just that his kids keep asking to watch Fantasia during Ramadan, either, but something far more fundamentally unsound:

Should Muslim Metalheads Team Up With Islamists?

Michael Weiss · 07/28/08 03:49PM

Mark LeVine, a musicologist at the University of California, has written a book called Heavy Metal Islam, which marks the proliferation of head-bangers throughout the Middle East. Most are young, digitally adept (they get their music from the Internet because it's usually haram in their countries), and happy to channel the frustration of living in a closed society through Metallica and Ozzy Osbourne, or rather their own domestic versions of them. Iran's O-Hum uses Western guitar riffs alongside Persian melodies and the poetry of the 14th-century Sufi poet Hafez. In Lebanon The Kordz have more or less provided the soundtrack for the Cedar Revolution. Reza Aslan at Slate reviews LeVine's book, but both writers make a major prescriptive blunder in stating what they'd like to see happen as a political consequence of Mideast metal:

Godless Brits Welcome Godlessness

ian spiegelman · 06/21/08 10:54AM

Those Britishers. First they cast off the Pope. Then they make the royal family just a bunch of symbolic bobble-heads with questionable DNA. Now they're out to get rid of religion altogether! Is nothing sacred to these people? "More than half of Britons think Christianity is likely to have disappeared from the country within a century, according to a survey. Research by the Orthodox Jewish organisation Aish found that just over a third of people thought religions like Christianity and Judaism would still be practiced in Britain in 100 years' time. Although four in 10 people said they would choose to be a member of the Christian religion, almost the same number said they would rather practice no religion at all."

Maggie · 12/03/07 12:50PM

Gillian Gibbons, the British teacher who offended Islam by allowing her class of 7-year-olds to name a teddy bear "Muhammed," has been released from a Sudanese jail and is hightailing it out of the country before she blasphemes any other religious figures. In a statement, Gibbons, who looks somewhat teddy-bearish herself, praised the "kindness and generosity" of the Sudanese. Doesn't it just warm your heart when recently-released hostages and prisoners of Islamic hardliners make mushy public statements about their captors? Creepy. Also, we demand to know why those heretical infidel first-graders were not imprisoned alongside their teacher; desecrating the prophet was their idea, after all. [CNN]