
Channeling Drag Queen, 7-Year-Old Belts It Out On 'Today Show'

Maggie · 12/11/07 11:40AM

Feast your eyes and ears on 7-year-old Anthony, whose parents are doing their best to see that their son's considerable singing talent morphs him into some horrifying amalgamation of Haley Joel Osment and Clay Aiken. This morning, Anthony made his television debut on the Today Show, singing "Let It Snow" in the kind of voice that would have completely blown us away if we weren't so creeped out by his striking resemblance to Liza Minnelli (minus the drugs, extra weight and makeup). As it happens, his absolutely adorable dimples really don't compensate for the fact that he's doing a spot-on imitation of an ecstatic Chorus Line wannabe in his very first high school musical. Even Ann Curry looks weirded out, and that's saying something. Who in God's name gave him that hair-fluffing-move and will someone make sure they're never again allowed near children?