
Nello Seized by the IRS

cityfile · 10/28/08 12:55PM

Nello Balan's Nello on Madison Avenue and his Hamptons outpost, Nello Summertimes, were both seized by the IRS for tax evasion this morning, reports Eater. Details are still a bit sketchy at this point and it remains unclear when the restaurants will reopen. (We're guessing anyone with a reservation for tonight is out of luck.) Also unclear: whether Nello's ghost-related travails, which were covered by the Times this past weekend, had anything to do with the bust. [Eater]

Kyle Buchanan · 09/08/08 06:15PM

Ready Your Pitchforks: While we can usually count on Nicolas Cage for his on-screen eccentricities, it seems that he can't even let a simple financial pickle pass without adding his own unique touch to the proceedings. According to Forbes, the actor has been caught deducting millions worth of personal expenses (simple things, like a Gulfstream 1159A turbojet) and now owes the IRS "substantial back taxes." Just how much does Cage have to fork over? The not-at-all ominous sum of $666,000. Looks like Ghost Rider's been taking that deal with the devil a bit too seriously... [Forbes]

Red Herring owes the taxman $2 million, ex-employees say

Owen Thomas · 03/18/08 08:00AM

The longevity of troubled tech publisher Red Herring was a mystery until one ex-employee enlightened me: Publisher Alex Vieux simply doesn't pay his bills. What a brilliant way to achieve positive cash flow! Alas, Vieux has encountered a creditor who won't be stiffed: the IRS. The agency is looking into Vieux's Herring for what may be $2 million in unpaid payroll taxes, ex-employees who have been contacted by investigators have told me. Vieux is experienced at dodging the taxman: Farley Duvall, a longtime lieutenant, told colleagues he'd fled French police seeking to seize company documents in Paris, and drove in the middle of the night to Switzerland, where he rebuilt the Herring's European operations. Now Swiss authorities are asking questions about — you guessed it — unpaid taxes. But it's the American taxman who may put Vieux behind bars.

Your Facebook profile could show up in a tax audit

Nicholas Carlson · 02/27/08 12:20PM

Dutch technology entrepreneur Evert Bopp had the pleasure of meeting with Irish tax inspectors last Tuesday. Things got really fun when one of them pulled out printed copies of Bopp's Facebook, Xing and LinkedIn profiles. "I was surprised," Bopp said. He shouldn't have been. A flack for the Revenue service told the Irish Independent auditors are free to use "any sources of information." You think the IRS policy is any different? It's one thing to get busted by the boss, quite another to get busted by the feds. (Photo by chadmill)

The taxman cometh to Yahoo

Owen Thomas · 01/16/08 09:00AM

Salim Ismail's incompetence as a manager may have brought the wrath of the IRS down on Yahoo. One of his employees at Brickhouse, Yahoo's San Francisco incubator, has moved abroad while being classified, for tax purposes, as "working at home." There are a number of steps companies ought to take when employing a U.S. citizen living abroad, but Ismail apparently skipped them. Now, one of the employee's coworkers has received a summons from the IRS's Criminal Investigation Division, where are investigators are looking into a case of tax fraud. While any penalties Yahoo might pay are small in comparison to the Web giant's bottom line, they'd certainly speak to the sloppy management that's been given a pass at Yahoo for far too long. (Photo by irisheyes)

Court Documents Reveal Wesley Snipes Would Be Killer At Pictionary

Mark Graham · 01/15/08 08:26PM

Wesley Snipes, the world's surliest vampire hunter, is about to go to trial on some SERIOUS tax evasion charges. Whoopsy daisy, seems that Blade forgot to declare and pay taxes on the $38 million that he made between 1999 and 2004 (we're thinking he made about $38 from 2005 until the present). But The Smoking Gun, being the document sleuths that they are, got their rubber-gloved hands on a document that Wesley filed with an Orange County (FLA, not CA) comptroller back in 2005. We used our computer's highly advanced Ctrl+Alt+Print Screen functionality to grab the image you see above, an image so confusing that it provokes more questions than it could ever possibly answer. First off, is that a hand-drawn self-portrait? It's like Van Gogh meets Rothko meets Rorshach! And second of all, that blood type! Does that mix with AB Negative? We must know. Lastly, that penmanship! We haven't seen so many swirls in a signature since Peggy Sue got married. But wait, there's more!

FedEx tries to bury scary IRS story

Jordan Golson · 12/24/07 04:00PM

FedEx was hit with a $319 million tax bill over the job classification of FedEx ground employees. A number of lawsuits have been filed by FedEx ground drivers who believed the company was responsible for their taxes; FedEx maintained that they were independent contractors. That's not the interesting part, though. FedEx, in a tried and true public relations move, "took out the trash" and released the bad news late Friday on a holiday weekend. The earliest story we could find on the IRS charge was released at 6:34 pm Eastern, well beyond when most people were reading news stories. Very clever, FedEx. (Photo by Brosner)

Choire · 10/02/07 04:26PM

The IRS claims in a pretrial motion that gender reassignment surgery isn't tax-deductible, and says that just because gender dysphoria appears in the DSM-IV, that doesn't make it an illness—after all, "Other so-called disorders in the DSM appear not to have any component of illness, mental or otherwise, such as 'Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, Jet Lag Type,' i.e., jet lag." [Tax Prof]