
CNN's Gay Porn Citizen Reporter Fired from Teaching Job

Brian Moylan · 08/23/11 03:47PM

Gay porn personality and CNN's hottest citizen reporter Sean Loftis (better known to our blind, hairy-palmed readers as Collin O'Neal) has been fired from his teaching job in Florida because of his adult video past. And now he's back to making porn again!

Mysterious Flying Creature Grounds Flight

Brian Moylan · 08/09/11 01:09PM

It wouldn't be August without a monster attack, so we're going to try to invent one. Just what is this flying beast attacking passengers on a flight from Madison, Wisconsin, to Atlanta? No one knows!

CNN Pays Big To Showcase Free Content

Pareene · 01/18/08 05:04PM

CNN introduced their own YouTube/America's Funniest Home Videos user-generated content bonanza "iReport" last year to vague acclaim, prominent website placement, and a Sunday afternoon televised roundup. Now they've finally caved and bought the domain names "" and "" from a squatter who picked them up for $100 in 1997 and unloaded them to CNN for $750,000. All so that the nation may more easily find photos of puppies that look like baby polar bears. [Silicon Alley Insider]