
Iran Arrests Entire Newspaper

Hamilton Nolan · 06/26/09 01:38PM

In your overwhelmed Friday media column: Iran just arrests everyone, for reporting, Conde Nast's September prayers will not be answered, a new chairman at the FCC, and the Mark Sanford source remains at large.

Glenn Beck Explains the Situation in Iran

The Cajun Boy · 06/22/09 09:30PM

Confused about the situation in Iran, are you? Surely you've found yourself laying in bed at night recently wondering, "When will Glenn Beck explain all of this for me?" Well you're in luck—Glenn broke out the chalkboard today!

Neda, The Face of a Revolution

The Cajun Boy · 06/22/09 05:50AM

Unless you tuned out completely over the weekend you've seen the haunting video of a young woman named Neda dying on a Tehran street after being shot in the heart. She is now the immortal face of a revolutionary movement.

BBC's Jon Leyne Gets Bounced From Iran

Foster Kamer · 06/21/09 10:00AM

The BBC confirmed today that their star correspondent in Iran, Jon Leyne, has been asked to leave the country by the Iranian government. Leyne was accused of being a diplomatic mouthpiece and inciting violence. BBC's Iranian office remains open. [AFP]

Iran Going Totally Batshit For The Second Weekend In A Row

Foster Kamer · 06/20/09 02:30PM

Here we go again - Iran's utterly losing it as you read this, and it's way, way worse this time: there's a potential world leader ready for martyrdom, shooting deaths, more rioting, and a possible national strike.

Why There's No Twitter Revolution in Iran

Ryan Tate · 06/17/09 06:33PM

A contrarian take on the much-discussed situation in Iran, via Business Week: While Twitter has been a great for international publicity, most activists are just organizing via word of mouth or SMS, like backward Web 1.0 people.