
2 Girls, 1 Cup, 4 Years in Jail

Jordan Sargent · 01/17/13 07:10PM

You may have forgotten the legendary gross-out porn-turned-viral video sensation "2 Girls, 1 Cup" — which sparked a wave of "reaction videos," some of which are compiled above — but the American justice system hasn't. (Poor American justice system, too, because, man, is that video disgusting.) Yesterday, Ira Isaacs, the man behind "2 Girls, 1 Cup" (though hopefully not in that way) was sentenced to four years in prison after being convicted on five counts of felony obscenity in April 2012.

Obscenity trial judge a pervert like the rest of us

Melissa Gira Grant · 06/13/08 05:20PM

The Los Angeles Times revealed that 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski was hosting some porny images of girls done up like cows and other niceties on what he thought was a private server. Smut pundit Susannah Breslin suggests that now Judge Kozinski himself may be the one testing the limits of the "2 Girls, 1 Cup defense" that defendant Ira Isaacs was going for. Namely, that what was once "obscene" is now merely "shocking" and fine for the whole family to make YouTube response videos about.

Is Obscenity Trial Judge Just a Porn-Loving Target of Disgruntled Lawyer?

STV · 06/13/08 12:00PM

The twists just keep on coming in the now-suspended Obscenity Trial of the Century, in which defendant and celebrated poo-vid helmer Ira Isaacs has taken a back seat to the trial's own judge — Alex Kozinski, himself recently revealed (by a grudge-holding lawyer, natch, but we'll get to that) to be a connoisseur of impeccable barnyard porn and transsexual slidshows on his publicly available Web site. This obviously isn't sitting well with the judiciary or even with Kozinski himself, a Supreme Court short-lister who said Thursday he would cooperate with an investigation of his own alleged wrongdoing:

Obscenity Trial Judge Was Pretty Sure That No One Could Access His Personal Porn Website

STV · 06/11/08 03:00PM

This shit literally never gets old: In addition to being one of the sicker defendants with a federal case currently pending against him, up until yesterday it appeared that scat-and-bestiality auteur Ira Isaacs was also among the luckiest. After all, his judge, Alex Kozinski — randomly selected in a rotation with other jurists in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals — had a reputation for libertarian thinking and had established proven freedom-of-speech creds. So progressive was His Honor, in fact, that he even maintained a publicly available Web site featuring his own collection of sexually explicit images (which has since been shuttered).

Pervert Jurors Wanted For Obscenity Trial of the Century

STV · 06/10/08 12:05PM

Going AWOL might be worth the jail time if you're starting jury duty this week and must report to the federal courthouse today for an assignment — jury selection is underway for the trial of Ira Isaacs, the scat-animal-porn "shock-art" entrepreneur facing obscenity charges for distributing hit titles like Laurie's Toilet Show, Gang Bang Horse (Pony Sex Game) and Hollywood Scat Amateurs No. 7. That said, if today's latest fetish-beat dispatch in the LA Times is any indication, Isaacs' success suggests finding a jury of his peers might be easier than prosecutors originally thought:

L.A. Courts Literally Go To Shit As Notorious Director Faces Obscenity Trial

STV · 05/07/08 04:25PM

Defamer would like to take just a moment to salute a true American hero — a local filmmaker whose vision, dedication and utter depravity have resulted in some of the bravest and most honest films of our time. His name is Ira Isaacs; you may know him as the maker of such "shock art" (i.e. fetish porn) masterworks as Laurie's Toilet Show, Gang Bang Horse (Pony Sex Game) and Hollywood Scat Amateurs No. 7, and soon you may also know him as the man sent up the river in what Radar today describes as perhaps "the most extreme obscenity trial in U.S. history."