
The Well of Death: India's Automobile Centrifuge

Chris Wyman · 10/15/10 02:35PM

Board-track racing was a popular event in the early days of automobiles, but once the cars got too fast and the centrifugal forces too strong, it became an attraction for only the craziest motorcycle daredevils... at least in the US.

The Ultimate Hoodie For Nerds Has Algorithms In Every Stitch

Dan Grappone · 10/13/10 04:24PM

Watch this video outlining the creation of the DARPA hoodie, which is made with the help of advanced military applications. These tech nerds have figured out a way to make a hoodie with a computer? Mind blowing stuff, inside.

Watch Luke Skywalker Become a Jedi Knight in This Deleted Star Wars Scene

Matt Cherette · 08/14/10 03:16PM

This is incredibly epic: a never-before-screened scene cut from Return of the Jedi in which Darth Vader tempts Luke Skywalker to join the dark side, paired with footage of Luke constructing/activating his green lightsaber and officially becoming a Jedi Knight.

Cocaine Will Eat Your Skin

Richard Lawson · 06/01/10 03:42PM

Feeling young and free while blowing lines in the bathroom of some glitzy LES rat hole? Well, you won't look young for long. Scientists are finding that 80% of impure cocaine in the US contains a chemical that rots flesh.

Do You Dream of Hurtling Through Space at 54,000 MPH?

gawkercreative · 04/11/10 10:26AM

This particular dream, though common, is an always stimulating dip into the subconscious. Head over to the Dream Visualizer to see your dream turned into a personalized animation that you can then share with all of your Facebook friends.

It's nearly impossible to explain a dream. The Dream Visualizer is here to help. Share your most vivid dream, and you will get to see it animated. And we're going to choose our favorite and give one of you dreamers a sweet prize: a $100 AMEX gift card*!

Battlefield Earth Screenwriter Apologizes for 'Suckiest Movie Ever'

Max Read · 03/28/10 11:19AM

Visiting the Hollywood Scientology Celebrity Center, J.D. Shapiro just wanted to meet girls. Instead, he wound up writing Battlefield Earth. After winning the "Worst Picture of the Decade" Razzie, Shapiro is apologizing. He blames it all on his penis.

What Type of Nerd Are You?

Brian Moylan · 03/17/10 01:47PM

All the nerds are in one place this week at SXSW, but, let's face it, we all have a little bit of nerd in us. These days geekdom is large and diverse enough for everyone. Where do you fit in?

What the Hell Happened to The Man of Tomorrow?

Anderson Evans · 02/19/10 10:45AM

Does the world need Superman? He's probably the most iconic comic book hero ever created, but it seems his invulnerability has a cost. There is buzz about another attempt at rebooting the franchise, but is there any point?