
"J.Lo Butt" Scam Threatens NYC Ass Health

Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/08 12:33PM

WARNING: An unauthorized butt enhancer may be on the loose in Manhattan. The Post breaks an EXCLUSIVE story this morning about Kimberly Smedley, a wanton, unauthorized woman with no medical training who offers black market silicone injections out of an East 39th St. hotel. For $1,600, Smedley promises women "J.Lo butts." But if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Cops Looking At Docs In Heath Ledger Death

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/08 12:23PM

Two doctors are being investigated by the feds in connection with actor and Soho resident Heath Ledger's death. The Daily News reports that one doctor in California and one in Texas supplied Ledger with Vicodin and Oxycontin, and the feds want to know if the whole deal was legal. Nothing has been established yet. The two painkillers were among the six drugs in Ledger's system when he died of an overdose in January. [NYDN]

Why Must You Flout Parking Laws, David Yurman?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/08 01:19PM

What journalism should be: a dogged, annoying reporter with a big microphone camped out in front of a fancy building harassing people about fake parking permits. We have to admit, we are suckers for this kinda thing. David Yurman can sell his crappy jewelry for thousands of dollars, but his employees need a fake court officer parking pass on their $60,000 Mercedes to avoid a $65 ticket? Tell that to the average American! We love it. Watch this entire Fox 5 clip, then call the Pulitzer committee.

The Uncov guys' startup, uncovered

Owen Thomas · 08/06/07 04:33PM

Busted! Kyle Shank of Uncov, Valleywag's favorite startup-snark site, acted so coy when I asked him what he and coconspirators Ted Dziuba and Matt Kent were working on. But it turns out they've been hiding in plain sight all this time, as commenter bushido pointed out.. Shank's day job is CEO and founder of Persai, a recommendations system for the Internet, whatever that means. It sounds like exactly the kind of vague yet overweening ambition Uncov would mock, actually.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs IMs the Times

Owen Thomas · 08/05/07 07:30PM

The most fascinating bit in Brad Stone's exposé of Fake Steve Jobs? For commenter davidu, it was the revelation that real Apple CEO Steve Jobs was interviewed by instant messenger. Impressive: Someone at the Times — most likely John Markoff — has Jobs's iChat screenname. And editors at Gray Lady consented to the inclusion of notes from an IMterview. We sent our crack reporters on a digging mission and they discovered this exclusive transcript. Must credit Valleywag!

Forbes editor Daniel Lyons is Fake Steve Jobs

Owen Thomas · 08/05/07 04:56PM

The jig is up, the secret is out, the game is over: Forbes editor Dan Lyons is Fake Steve Jobs, the now-unmasked author of The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs. Brad Stone of the New York Times, to my dismay, was the one to out Lyons as the faux Apple CEO. It was crushing. I've known for some time now that several Forbes employees were in on the secret. Lyons, as Fake Steve, even hinted at the outing in a post today: "My world, anyway, is about to change." My apologies to readers. But it makes perfect sense. Here are the not-so-coincidental similarities between Lyons's chosen enemies and Fake Steve's.

Andy Ihnatko comes out as a fake Fake Steve

Owen Thomas · 07/24/07 02:09PM

Call off the virtual dogs: Andy Ihnatko has gracefully taken himself out of the running for secret writer of The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs. I'd like to say it was the cunning interview I conducted with Ihnatko, but Ihnatko proved more cunning than me, throwing me off the scent by hiding a piece of Fake Steve trivia he actually knew. In the pages of Macworld, however, Ihnatko is unequivocal in his denials, and I believe him. So with Ihnatko revealed as a fake Fake Steve, it's back to hunting for the real Fake Steve. I have one hot but hard-to-believe tip that I'm pursuing, but I always welcome more.

Fake Steve Jobs runs scared

Owen Thomas · 07/18/07 01:52PM

Someone has spooked Fake Steve Jobs. Drifting in and out of character as Apple's CEO, Fake Steve has posted some rambling accusations on his blog about Valleywag publisher Nick Denton. I'm pretty sure FSJ is pulling another one of his over-the-top jokes, but for the record, Denton is far too cheap to shell out money to pay a private investigator to tail Fake Steve.