
Oscar's Biggest Snubs: A Post-Mortem

Seth Abramovitch · 01/22/08 02:44PM

This year's Oscar nominations produced an equally noteworthy list of omissions who'll be quietly turned away at the Kodak Theater doors, should a ceremony ever materialize. (Tazering to follow if they get insistent.) Our analysis of the 2008 Snubees:

Choire · 10/29/07 08:50AM

You know where you can mine the motherlode of hot, lightly-bearded intellectual boys? At the Sunshine Cinema on Houston Street, for every screening of "Into the Wild," Sean Penn's film of the Jon Krakauer book about the boy who ditches society. Seriously, the audience there was like a party where only geekily-stunning, self-effacing, book-loving and yet non-emo 27-year-old boys were invited. Sigh.

Sometimes Things Get A Little Weird On 'Martha'

mark · 10/09/07 08:13PM

· On today's Martha: "Hey, Marcia Gay Harden, star of Into the Wild, have you ever actually known anyone who's 'gone into the wild?' No? Huh, that's funny. Because I do, and she never came back. Well, since you don't have any topical stories about tragedy to share, what do you say we get back to pretending to make these cookies or whatever."
· Have you ever noticed that all of the white protagonists in Wes Anderson movies seem to work out their romantic issues with ladies of color? Well, someone did. [via Feministing]
· Beckett Boo, Esq., catspotter extraodinaire, has been to Promises.
· The headline of the day, and it wasn't even close: Sculptor's crack baffles art world. Do we even care what the story's about? No, not really.
· Shooting on David Hasselhoff's new E! show has apparently begun ahead of schedule.