Here Is an All-New and Useful Emoticon For You
Tom Scocca · 11/08/13 04:41PMTom Scocca · 08/16/13 11:46AM
More thoughts on PandoDaily's rage eruption: "[N]o one is 'shocked.' People are actually just saying, 'can you believe what a prick this guy is?' That inability to discern between puritanical umbrage at a teller-of-bold-truths and the normal reaction to a repellent personality is just one of the blind spots you develop when you imagine yourself swaggering about in 'the major leagues.'”
Why Community Is the Most Popular Show on the Internet
Max Read · 04/11/12 03:00PM
Yesterday, Community, NBC's sitcom about the odd and endearing relationship between a diverse group of community college students, was named TV Guide Magazine's fan-favorite comedy, and its fan-favorite ensemble. Its time slot competitor Big Bang Theory, the Caltech-set CBS comedy about a pair of nerd genius roommates, didn't win in any category.