
How Alex Kuczynski Almost Became A Blogger

Doree Shafrir · 05/31/07 02:53PM

A few months ago, the Times decided to ramp up some of their more lucrative "verticals" on their website—including Fashion and Style. They had lots of ideas, which they put on the company wiki for everyone to read and comment on. But did all of their plans come to fruition? Well, let's just say we were spared the disaster that inevitably would have been an Alex Kuczynski blog. The wiki, and what really happened, follow.

New 'Times' HQ Has Killer Elevators, Sad Staff

Doree Shafrir · 05/29/07 01:44PM

We knew there was discontent about the new New York Times building—so much so that the internal newspaper, Ahead of the Times, published an article reassuring everyone that things weren't so bad. But were things really that dreadful? We got hold of the Times internal wiki for the new building, where complaints about the building from the staff were being consolidated. And we learned that for every feature of the new building, there's a Times staffer with beef about it being broken. A selection follows. (We sure hope they got the urinals on the 9th floor working!)