
Revealed: The Burglars Who Stole a Whole Office of Files from the FBI

Sarah Hedgecock · 01/07/14 11:50AM

Long before Edward Snowden, there were the eight burglars who, in the spring of 1971, stole an entire office's worth of secret documents in an attempt to take down J. Edgar Hoover's FBI. Now, nearly 43 years later, five of them have come forward.

NSA Shares Raw Intelligence with Israel

Adrian Chen · 09/11/13 11:01AM

The U.S. considers Israel its "number one counterintelligence threat" in the Middle East. But that doesn't stop the NSA from sharing a veritable fire hose of raw intelligence with Israeli spies, according to a new story from the Guardian.

How to Survive Interrogation Using Only Your Dick

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/12 01:15PM

If you are ever captured by an enemy, and interrogated using the very latest mind control technique, and you have a dick, pay close attention to what you are about to read here.

Iran Arrests 12 CIA Agents As Beirut Pizza Hut Sits Empty

Lauri Apple · 11/24/11 10:45AM

Earlier this week we learned that Iran and its pal Hezbollah had caught dozens of CIA spies who always met at a super-secret Pizza Hut in Beirut (using the super-secret code word "PIZZA" to communicate meeting times). Now an Iranian parliamentary leader says that 12 of the spies have been arrested and jailed in cells where they're fed nothing but bread sticks and water.

Iran and Hezbollah Caught All the CIA Spies at Pizza Hut

John Cook · 11/21/11 01:28PM

The CIA has basically lost its network of spies in Lebanon and suffered a major setback in its efforts to infiltrate Iran, all because it screwed up basic tradecraft—including communicating with spies on trackable cell phones and using the indecipherable code word "PIZZA" to denote planned meetings at a Beirut Pizza Hut.

Only Smart Kids Do Drugs

Max Read · 11/16/11 12:34AM

A new study indicates that young children with high IQs are significantly more likely to have done illegal drugs later in life, even when controlling for other factors. So you finally have a comeback when your dad says Why do you think they call it dope?!

How the NYPD Turned Itself Into a Little CIA

John Cook · 08/24/11 01:46PM

The AP's Matt Apuzzo and Adam Goldman broke an extraordinary story today about the NYPD's unfettered and probably illegal intelligence operation—which employs "rakers" and "mosque crawlers" to troll Arab neighborhoods for information even when no crime is suspected—and its tight integration with the CIA, which has covert operatives deployed within the department. Basically, if you're a Muslim in New York, you either work for the NYPD or are being watched by them.

'Mess of a Child' Bradley Manning Should Never Have Gone to Iraq

Max Read · 05/28/11 02:45PM

Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning has been accused of leaking thousands of classified documents obtained during his tour in Iraq. But according to an officer, and a confidential military report, Manning was so psychologically unstable he should never have been sent to Iraq in the first place.