
'Anderson Cooper's Big Fat Coming Out Party' (Updated)

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/09 09:28AM

What will Anderson Cooper be doing tonight? Unvogue Magazine says he'll be attending a party at the Sapphire Go-Go Lounge for their men's issue. It's been informally dubbed "Anderson Cooper's Big Fat Coming Out Party." [UPDATED: AC's denial below]:

Burkle Bites Back With Clinton Freak Show Friends Feature

Pareene · 12/18/07 04:30PM

Last week, HuffPo reported that Bill Clinton might allegedly be CUTTING ALL TIES with his good buddy and fellow chaste admirer of the female form, Ron Burkle. Today, Radar, which is secretly owned by supermarket magnate Ron Burkle, ran a hilarious gallery of Bill Clinton's most unattractive friends and acquaintances with no news peg except, you know, "Bill Clinton's sure been in the news a lot lately, you guys noticed?" Weird, wild stuff.

Clinton's Funky All-Stars [Radar]

Who Wrote The Ken Wells Book Review In 'Portfolio'?

Choire · 10/24/07 09:31AM

Finally found the November Porfolio last night! (It's slowly trickling downtown where the poors live.) You know what was striking? There are seven book reviews in it—6 of them between 100 and 200 words, each of those with a byline. But occupying one-third of page 150 is an unbylined review of "Crawfish Mountain," a new book by Portfolio's own senior editor Ken Wells! It's an extraordinarily detailed plot summary, and is headlined "From Our Staff." Whoever wrote it sure does know the book inside and out—at the very least, we can sure confirm that it's a terrible editorial call to have run this without a byline.