Local News Crew Loves Shake Weights, Penis Jokes
Max Read · 05/07/11 03:40PMGeorge Will Doesn't Want Obama to Stroke His 'Erogenous Zone' on Tuesday
Jeff Neumann · 01/23/11 03:09PMWatch a Series of Rapid-Fire Sexual Innuendos Unfold During a Weather Channel Report
Madeleine Davies · 01/06/11 02:24PMReporting on the weather is so hard for Stephanie Abrams. In fact, her weather report is so riddled with sexual innuendo that even her crew can't keep it together. You, too, will be blown away.
The Worst Sexual Innuendos Slipped in Kids' Cartoons
Emily Chen · 08/29/10 10:00AMGerald Marzorati's Departure: Reading Between the Lines
Hamilton Nolan · 07/21/10 09:32AMMichael Phelps Sleeps With Anderson Cooper
Ryan Tate · 11/30/08 11:57PMAnderson Cooper has to consider it one of the highlights of his career thus far, a thoroughly pleasurable counterbalance to his weeks of depressing Hurricane Katrina coverage back when the CNN anchor was still paying his dues: A flirty interview with champion Olympic swimmer and fellow heartthrob Michael Phelps, complete with shirt removal, medal-fondling, a cozy little nap together and the line, "Mind if I hold one? They're very heavy!" Viewers of Cooper's own AC360 are used to being brought in on this sort of innuendo; it was only a matter of time before the 60 Minutes contributor started beating CBS' larger audience over the head with the "boys make me giggle" routine. So to speak. (Clip after the jump.)
Rolling Stone's Size Issues
Ryan Tate · 08/10/08 10:28PM
Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner just confirmed to the Times that he's shrinking the once-groundbreaking magazine to a distinctly ordinary format. And already, in that same story, the magazine mogul has allowed himself to sound insecure about the change. "I myself was kind of torn about it," Wenner said. He's right to be worried. Rolling Stone's large format stirred a certain nostalgia. And not just among readers, as the Times noted, but also among a more important group: The celebrities who still trip over themselves to appear on the magazine's iconic cover, despite the fairly humdrum content within. That magnetic draw will surely be diminished now that the publication looks so thoroughly contemporary, and 1967 so very far in the past. After the jump, Wenner pulls off a similarly-self-defeating trick in a year-old Charlie Rose interview by saying the key difference between and Facebook is that the latter is "kind of a teen thing."
Anderson Cooper Tired Of Bear Jokes
Ryan Tate · 07/17/08 12:32AMWhen dreamboat CNN anchor Anderson Cooper found footage of an adorable younger bear for his show in April, he couldn't get enough of the "cute" and "cuddly" creature. But tonight, after AC360 co-host Erica Hill narrated footage of an older, larger bear, Cooper seemed to get a little grizzly, asking "What is with this program and bears?" Why, only your bread and butter and honey, Anderson! The bedrock of your credibility! What happened to being the "most trusted name in bears?" It's summertime, these guys will be out in force, and there's no going back now. Besides, Hill has a killer merchandising idea, click the thumbnail at left for details. It's only a few more months, that shouldn't be too much to b... well, ya, you get the idea.
Gina Gershon Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Man, Mr. Clinton
Pareene · 06/09/08 12:08PMThere is a rumor going around that Bill Clinton totes kissed Gina Gershon. Perhaps you first heard of this rumor here? 30,000 of you might have. This rumor got reported as one of the many things unnamed Clinton "advisors" were worried about in the recent Vanity Fair piece about Bill Clinton's messy business dealings and possibly scandalous personal life. Which led to Bill calling the piece's reporter a "scumbag" and now, because of the heat and probably because of Britney Spears' tears-of-a-clown-car, popular actress Gina Gershon denied sexing the former president on Regis and Kelly this morning. This is, of course, Ron Burkle's fault.
Anderson Cooper: "The Most Trusted Name in Bears"
Pareene · 04/30/08 11:58AMCNN heartthrob Anderson Cooper devoted a couple minutes of his program to AN ADORABLE BEAR last night! Seriously. "Frankly I can watch this bear for hours," said Cooper. How does Anderson know so much about bears? His exciting answer to that question may be found in the attached clip! (We suspect he may be exaggerating the breadth of his knowledge.)
Shep Smith: Will You Be My Quarterback?
Maggie · 01/30/08 03:03PMSo yesterday we showed you this fantastically priceless video of Fox News host Shepard Smith saying "blowjob" on live TV. "I have no idea how that happened," he says sheepishly. Also probably mystifying to Smith then, is how he didn't manage to come off as a good 'ol snatch-loving Southern boy in today's Observer profile of him. He talked about football and everything! Well, sort of. Mostly he talked about doing Eli Manning, the Giants' native son. "I've met him a number of times," said Mr. Smith. "He's a private guy. He's likes to stay to himself. Eli, as a friend, would be weird. I like him being my quarterback." Hoo boy. We can see his publicist, head in hands, now. Other wince-worthy quotes after the jump.
Larry Craig Not Sure If He's In Or Out
abalk · 09/05/07 09:30AM
A tipster sent the following capsule summary from the New York Times about Idaho Senator and men's room habitué Larry Craig's potential reconsideration of his plan to resign as evidence of some kind of homophobia at the paper (they used the word "seat," see?). We don't see it ourselves, but this quote from an anonymous Republican operative seems a little more pointed.
Sam Champion Busts Out
abalk · 08/03/07 12:25PM
This morning, "Good Morning America" weather hottie Sam Champion provided an incredibly servicey piece on how to escape from a locked car in the event of a bridge collapse, which, remember, is looking ever more likely. It's a rollicking, macho adventure as a safety goggle-wearing Sam shatters the window. The best part is the many, many times Sam tells you to "grab hold of the LifeHammer." It's almost like he's said that in a car before!