
Silicon Valley entrepreneur fights spam, deadly cancer

Nicholas Carlson · 12/03/07 05:00PM

Steven Kirsch has cancer. Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, to be exact. It's rare and deadly. About 1,500 Americans are diagnosed with it each year and its considered incurable. But Kirsch, according to his New York Times profile, is an engineer known for solving tricky problems. In 1982 he designed improved the computer mouse. He founded Infoseek. Kirsch has decided to take on cancer as just another problem to solve. It's just not quite at the top of his priority list. In fact its third, after "Who would make the best president?" and his top priority: "Eliminating spam." And he's got four years and $230 million in personal wealth to do it.

Owen Thomas · 09/07/07 09:50PM

Steve Kirsch, founder of Web portal Infoseek, is facing an incurable disease. [AllThingsD]

Megan McCarthy · 07/25/07 02:08PM

Not everyone from the dotcom era suffered through the bust. The former CEO of Disney-bought search engine Infoseek now spends all his time sculpting, painting, and playing tennis. [San Jose Mercury News]