
The Barron Hilton Train Wreck Continues

Ryan Tate · 04/02/09 04:49AM

New beginnings can be heartbreaking: John Mayer's new breakup song sounds ridiculous and transparent, but Paris Hilton's brother's new life plan is even worse. Way worse.

A Day in the Life of Lily Van Der Woodsen

Richard Lawson · 03/28/09 10:00AM

Photos of Gossip Girl filming around New York are everywhere. I can't post all of them, obviously, but here are some of my (mostly Lily-centric) favorites. What do they reveal about upcoming episodes? Not much.

Whitney Port: Tenjune

Ryan Tate · 03/11/09 12:36AM

Stalker email, five minutes ago: "In case anyone cares...Whitney Port is at Tenjune right now." Is she drunk?

Victory For Octo-Mom

Ryan Tate · 03/09/09 10:32PM

Well, things sure came together for Nadya Suleman today: Octo-Mom suddenly has a big house for her 14 kids, around-the-clock child care valued at $135,000-per-month and she gets to keep her reality show.

ZOMG, Is Kate Moss Pregnant???

Richard Lawson · 02/25/09 01:17PM

[That's what everyone thinks, because looks at the model's big fat stomach! She told New York magazine recently that she just gained some weight. So who knows. Image via INF]