
Light on the Horizon

Richard Lawson · 01/12/09 05:40PM

[Dawn breaks over the Capitol Building yesterday, while staff rehearses for Barack Obama's inauguration ceremony below; image via Getty]

Is It the End for Tinsley & Topper?

cityfile · 01/12/09 06:45AM

• It may be the end of the line for socialite Tinsley Mortimer and her husband Topper. The couple has been living apart since December, reportedly because Tinz is sick of Topper's "promiscuous ways." But considering this is the second time they've been married to one another, there's always the chance the third time will be the charm. [P6]
Gwyneth Paltrow is turning into quite the entrepreneur. She's reportedly in talks to launch a chain of gyms with her personal trainer. [DS]
• Amy Winehouse says she's finally off drugs and "feels like a new woman," although she also says that she hasn't quit drinking just yet. [NYDN]
• Madonna is reportedly beefing up her security detail following death threats from Islamic fanatics. []
• A rundown of the winners at last night's Golden Globes. [E!]

Inauguration Coverage, Big Loss at Time Warner

cityfile · 01/07/09 12:08PM

Not surprisingly, nearly every major network is planning "longer and more exhaustive" coverage of the inauguration compared to years past. [NYT]
Ugly day at Time Warner: The company is reporting its annual first loss in six years and is writing down $25 billion in the fourth quarter. [BN]
Is Dick Parsons in line to become Commerce Secretary? [B&C]
• Forbes laid off 19 people yesterday. [ATD]
• People's Jess Cagle is taking over as managing editor of EW. [NYP]
Michael Hirschorn thinks it's possible the New York Times will go bust in the next year; the Observer says Times boss Arthur Sulzberger Jr. is the "media mensch of the year." Go figure! [Atlantic, NYO]
Lloyd Grove's 4,100-word article on Sumner Redstone is online. [Portfolio]
If a cable news doctor can be Surgeon General, we probably shouldn't be surprised to see that Joe the Plumber is now a war correspondent. [NYP]

Presidential Inauguration to be Trinket Show

Hamilton Nolan · 01/05/09 05:55PM

Are you going to the Obamanauguration? I'll be there! But only to get a good deal on "coins, stamps, jewelry and even a small handbag" directly from QVC:

Lorin Maazel's Inauguration Special

cityfile · 12/19/08 03:20PM

Still searching for a place to stay during the inauguration next month? New York Philharmonic director Lorin Maazel's country house in Virginia is available in exchange for a modest $50,000-a-night donation to his charitable foundation! Maazel's Castleton Farms has room for 40-50 guests and comes with indoor pool, bowling alley, "commercial-sized movie screen," Turkish steam room, and petting zoo. Unfortunately, one thing it doesn't offer is close proximity to Washington, which is still a 90-minute drive away. [Chateauville via Luxist]

Republican Candidate's Creepy Obama Profit Plot

Ryan Tate · 12/08/08 06:38AM

Fred Thomson was a hot Republican presidential candidate for about 10 minutes at the start of the primary cycle, thanks to the former senator's Law & Order gig and the fact that he didn't seem as scuzzy as Rudolph Giuliani or Mitt Romney (not hard). He hasn't had much to do since then, except campaign inconsequentially for John McCain, try to point out Al Gore to a team of hired Serbian snipers at a presidential debate (pictured) and think about having a loser TV show like Mike Huckabee. But now it sounds like he's turning into a sad, desperate man, renting out his condo for the inauguration, instead of admiring Michelle Obama's dress like a true American.

Barack's Big Day

cityfile · 12/05/08 01:33PM

WWD reports that Barack Obama plans to wear a union-made tuxedo by Hart Schaffner Marx to the inaugural balls on Jan. 20. Well, at least one important decision is out of the way! [WWD]

Obama Ushers In Regrettable MTV Revival

Hamilton Nolan · 11/26/08 04:12PM

In 1992, suave Billy Clinton was sexin' the nation and wearin' boxers, and MTV had a big ole inaugural ball that was reportedly the hottest ticket in DC, even though Don Henley was the main act, which just goes to show once again that political people are really not cool when you get right down to it. But during the Bush years MTV had no inaugural balls, because Bush was so non-embodying of the Music Television vibe, you know? Well now Barack Obama is president and MTV is once again having a big cool inaugural ball! This is the single worst consequence of Barack Obama's election. [Ad Age; pic via]

Interested in Attending the Inauguration?

cityfile · 11/05/08 12:42PM

The Mayflower in Washington has quite the offer for anyone interested in going to D.C. for Barack Obama's inauguration. The "Ultimate Presidential" package includes a three-night stay, limo service, "his and hers inaugural jewelry," Dom Perignon champagne, in-room massages for two, 24-hour butler service, and his and hers "inaugural garb" from Burberry ("to keep special guests warm during the inaugural ceremony"). And it's only $51,000. What a steal! As for whether you'll be staying in the same room where Eliot Spitzer shared some special time with Ashley Dupre, you'll have to call and ask. [HotelChatter]