
Obligatory 'Newsday' Nut-Shot

rbouncer · 12/26/06 12:30PM

One can't let a Gawker guest editing spot pass one by without taking at least one gratuitous swipe at Newsday. If my new bosses around here would see fit to take any of my suggestions seriously, this would be a daily feature. Since it's not really relevant to "Manhattan media news and gossip," however - and since it's Long Fucking Island, after all — I doubt this will ever happen. Still and all, a regular strafing of Impulse!, Newsday's reader-driven entertainment feature, is something everyone should consider. For example, Glen Cove's Laura S. explains why "The Office" is her favorite TV show of 2006:

'Newsday' and the New Faces of Citizen Journalism

Jessica · 07/21/05 08:08AM

Great news, everyone: Newsday's do-it-yourself entertainment section, Impulse!, has a sparkly new batch of writers ready to bridge and tunnel their way in from Great Neck and cover NYC's newest hotspots. On the matter of Spring Street's Green Room venue, John Cucci (above left and, interestingly, of Manhattan) can't quite decide whether the venue is a lounge or a club — an important distinction necessary for anyone to actually enjoy themselves. Dave Aakus (above center, also of Manhattan — are these guys writing for Newsday for Ma's sake?) is a fan of Brooklyn's Savalas bar, which is "vibrantly laden for the energized ones." You know what he means, right? And, on matters of the mighty inconspicuous East Side Company bar, Caroline Fallon (above right) grades the joint a solid B, perhaps because it's "a little out of the way" from her home in Breezy Point. We completely agree.