
Minka Kelly Will Only Satisfy Derek Jeter to a Certain Point

Foster Kamer · 11/07/09 04:30PM

The supposedly magical ladyparts of Kate Hudson and Friday Night Lights actress Minka Kelly are being credited for their respective boyfriends'—Alex Rodriguez and Derek Jeter—awe-inspiring post-season performance. Here's hoping Ms. Kelly doesn't get jealous of Jeter's new girlfriend.

Will The Nu-Vampire Trend Please Die? Tonight?

Foster Kamer · 10/31/09 08:15PM

Remember the Tarantino/Rodriguez camp-fest that was From Dusk Til' Dawn? George Clooney killed a bunch of south-of-the-border stripper/hooker-vampires using holy water-loaded Super Soakers. That was in 1996, and it should've been the end of vampire-cool. Now look where we are.

The New York Times Discovers Penis Pumps

Foster Kamer · 08/29/09 04:30PM

While America's medical debates rage on, many of its significant members, of all colors and sizes, limply, quietly weep to themselves: penises. But! This is one health care package making serious progress: flaccid penises demand innovation, as the Times discovered.

Kate Moss, Lily Allen, and The Rock Chick Diet

Foster Kamer · 08/08/09 06:15PM

Want to know how awesome starlets Lily Allen and Kate Moss stay in shape? This isn't a joke about blowcaine! You can do it, too. Kate and Lily took the most awesome Rock Chick vacay ev-ah and looked awesome. How?

Breaking Economic News

Pareene · 08/20/08 04:43PM

America's fiscal crisis finally hits us where it hurts. We hear the prices these days are obscene. (Very special thanks to tipster A.H.) [Reuters]

In Which We Fill in the 'Times' Mad-Lib

Pareene · 08/15/08 05:16PM

Today, the Times printed one of those "op-art" things they do sometimes. This one was in the form of a "mad-lib," those "fill-in-the-blanks with a specific part of speech" things the kids are so into these days. As everyone besides possibly the Times knows, Mad-Libs are only fun for terribly immature kids, as they present an excuse to fill them with swears. Which we did, today, while we were supposed to be working! Click through and wonder what the hell the Times was thinking.

Rich Lowry Wins Office Pool

Pareene · 02/29/08 04:34PM

"Buckley was a master debater who took on (and usually beat) all comers...." -National Review EIC Rich Lowry, on magazine founder William F. Buckley, master debater. [National Review]