
30 Years of Iconic Apple Television Commercials

Sergio Hernandez · 05/05/10 12:00PM

We've collected some of our favorite and most memorable Apple ads from the last three decades, so take a trip down memory lane with us as we go through Apple's most iconic TV spots.

Apple's iMac turns 10

Nicholas Carlson · 05/07/08 12:40PM

Steve Jobs rejoined Apple as its "interim" CEO in 1997. One of his first moves in May, 1998: Announcing the iMac — a candy-colored computer in "Bondi blue." The "I," flacks told reporters at the time, stood for "Internet, Individual, Instruct, Inform and Inspire." Unless you're Jobs himself, of course. Then the "I" — which has since been attached to the iBook, iPod and iPhone — stands for "I'm much richer than I was 10 years ago."

Apple sued again over display "color issue"

Jordan Golson · 04/01/08 05:20PM

Many blogs are writing up a recent lawsuit against Apple as if it's a big deal. Too bad it isn't, because it's more entertaining than any April Fools' joke we've seen today. The lawsuit alleges that Apple falsely marketed its 20-inch iMac as being capable of displaying "millions of colors" when it can only display "hundreds of thousands" of colors. The difference is imperceptible to the human eye. Apple recently settled a similar lawsuit over its MacBook notebooks. That lawsuit went away out of court after the plaintiffs found it "difficult" to locate clients who purchased computers solely on the "millions of colors" claim. We're waiting for a clever lawyer to start asking Apple customers if they bought computers under the belief the machines would help them get laid.