
Photo Opportunity

Keenen Thompson · 02/11/11 05:55PM

It is that time again to participate in a caption contest, for a chance to win some classy prizes. We're giving away two prints from photographer Frank Zurita.

Warm Up With These Pin-Ups

Keenen Thompson · 02/04/11 06:00PM

These pin-up girls can warm up the chiliest winter dwellings. We're giving away two prints from photographer Matt Schwartz's She Hit Pause Studios, and all you have to do to win one is enter a caption contest!

Americans Need Balls, Indies Need Buyers as Chilly Cannes Winds Down

STV · 05/22/08 06:10PM

Where are the big spenders this year at Cannes? After a 2007 buying spree that topped out with Universal snagging We Own the Night for a whopping $11.5 million, only one distributor has made any considerable investment in the current crop of selections — IFC Films, which made news Wednesday by acquiring the acclaimed Irish drama Hunger, its seventh buy in as many days. And even its other deals — an international mash-up including A Christmas Tale (France), Chaser (S. Korea) and the American indie The Pleasure of Being Robbed — are slated for minimal theatrical play as they funnel into IFC's day-and-date on-demand circuit.