
There's a Good Chance Dave Chappelle Once Bought Weed From Idris Elba

Jason Parham · 11/18/14 02:20PM

For the first time in years, Dave Chappelle gave a sit-down interview. The veteran comedian spoke to GQ's Mark Anthony Green about leaving the limelight, fame, and happiness. "I have all these weird fantasies," he says. "Going coast-to-coast on my motorcycle and having random barbecues all over America. No show, no nothing...I just like meeting people."

K. Michelle, the Hardest Feeling Woman in Showbiz, On Her Hip-Hopera

Rich Juzwiak · 08/19/14 03:10PM

Before a full house at the Bryant Park Hotel's screening room last night, singer/songwriter/reality TV genius K. Michelle told the crowd that she wanted to find an "over-the-top" way to commemorate the first anniversary of her debut album, Rebellious Soul. Her solution was Rebellious Soul: The Musical, a 30-minute hip-hopera that interpolates songs from her album and weaves them into a narrative about a stripper who falls in love with one of her clients. Like most of her output, this is based on K. Michelle's story (early on in her career she financed her demos via dancing).

Is This Idris Elba's Dick or What?

Jordan Sargent · 08/08/14 11:17AM

Haha... whoa there, Idris. *Eyes quickly glance down towards Idris Elba's crotch* Uhh... *Chin lowers slightly in the direction Idris Elba's crotch* Hey, Idris, ummm... *Entire head begins to gesture towards Idris Elba's crotch* Looks, like, your, uh.....

Oh God Idris Elba What Are You Doing

Rich Juzwiak · 08/15/12 02:25PM

At the 2:20 mark of the Milk's "Picking Up the Pieces" video above, an actor turns rapper with disastrous results. Idris Elba, just because you can do one thing well doesn't mean you can do all things well. When in doubt, just stand there and look pretty.

The Star-Making of Idris Elba

Richard Lawson · 06/22/11 04:48PM

A favorite from The Wire seems ready to ascend to new heights with a new role. Also today: the (once-again) return of Jason Patric, the bold ideas of Randy Jackson, and the baby movie to end all baby movies.

Here Are Your Golden Globe Nominations

Richard Lawson · 12/14/10 11:12AM

It's time once again for our strange dance with the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, the group of ninety people who manage to throw the second-biggest awards orgy of the season. Their nominations came out today, so let's take a look!

We Are One Step Closer to a Robert Downey Jr. Wizard of Oz

Richard Lawson · 10/06/10 03:44PM

The new movie has a director, a good director, so maybe Downey'll finally sign on. Also today: Some TV casting both interesting and depressing, another internet thing gets made into a TV show, and the return of an old crush.

HBO Looking to Get Into Porn

Richard Lawson · 08/19/10 03:56PM

Well, more porn. And they need Mark Wahlberg's help. Also today: Glee gets totally rejected for once, Idris Elba has a scary new part, USA loves to renew its shows, and an important film is a success.

My Name Isn't Stringer Bell

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/11/08 02:15PM

Actor Idris Elba and his publicist would like to inform the general public that while he may have played the character, "Stringer Bell" on the critically acclaimed series, The Wire, his name is actually Idris Elba. Elba and his publicist in the future hope with the aid of this campaign to curtail the number of people shouting "Stringer Bell."