
TV Shows Return, My Life Regains Meaning

Richard Lawson · 04/10/08 04:40PM

TV IS BACK TONIGHT!! The Office! 30 Rock! Goodness and light have come and banished all the mirthless gloom from the world! On The Office, Michael and Jan have a dinner party. I love the episodes when they leave the, um, office. Like that episode where Jim has the party and he wears that cute sweater and his hair is floppy and... Anyway! On 30 Rock it's the return of "MILF Island"! An insider friend who works for the show tells me it's very, very funny. Which is ridiculous because that show is never funny. It's so awful and never makes me cry bittersweet tears of unadulterated bliss. Most of all, I'm excited to stop socializing with people on Thursday nights. It was getting exhausting and expensive! Much like our friend Alex Blagg, I can't wait to sit on my ass, eat pizza, and feel happy again. Some reminders of why we should all give thanks lie after the jump.