Celebrity Streetwalker New York Sends YouTube Condolences To Jennifer Hudson
Seth Abramovitch · 10/27/08 01:47PMHooker personality Tiffany "New York" Pollard (now there's someone we have a feeling is already well acquainted with Dr. Manhattan's cobalt nether regions) has addressed the media recently about Jennifer Hudson—whose skyrocketing career she doesn't envy in the least—and her fiance, a former I Love New York contestant whom she had the gall to liken to a gold-digging Al Reynolds. Having learned with the rest of us of the horrifying Hudson family deaths in Chicago, however, Pollard was consumed by guilt over her tactless remarks, and instantly set about righting her wrongs by issuing her deepest condolences to Hudson in the best way she knew how: by recording a heartfelt video message outside LACMA's streetlamp installation. She then went back about her regular routine of making kissy sounds at passing luxury vehicles in the hopes that one of them might contain the producer who will put her in his hip-hop movie musical, Dreamgrillz. [YouTube]
Rock Of Love A Real Hit With The Conservatives
Richard Lawson · 10/21/08 03:58PM
Last week, I listed some of the most liberal and conservative television shows on the air, my criteria being, as always, completely unscientific. Well now those old TV gurus at Nielsen have actually compiled hard data showing the series most appealing to conservatives, liberals, and—like a great big dim blue glowing dream of America!—to both. Conservative shows? Hillbilly sitcom The Bill Engval Show and Brett Michaels hepatitispalooza Rock of Love. No surprise. Liberal shows? Bill O'Reilly mockery the Colbert Report, natch, and toe-sucking mess of a dating show I Love New York. Sigh. (Rock of Love vs. I Love New York... Could be a conservatives vs. liberals socioeconomic race relations term paper in there, kids!) The best news of all though? That The Hills is gloriously, like a dove holding a bejeweled olive branch in its perfectly toned beak, bipartisan. Take a look at the full chart after the jump.
Noted VH1 Romantic New York Puts Slim Odds On J-Hud's Marriage Lasting
Kyle Buchanan · 10/08/08 04:30PM
Jennifer Hudson is an Oscar-winning singer/actress, so of course it makes sense that she would marry a castoff from the second season of VH1's low-rent The Bachelorette takeoff, I Love New York. Sadly, New York (also known as Tiffany Pollard) was not invited to the blessed union between J-Hud and her new groom, David Otunga (nee "Punk"), but she helpfully weighed in anyway, via In Touch Weekly:
Seth Abramovitch · 09/15/08 03:05PM

And You, And You, And You—You're Gonna Wed Her. Jennifer Hudson was given the greatest gift for her 27th birthday any ascendant American Idol also-ran could ever ask for: an engagement ring from her boyfriend, David Otunga. Like his fiancee, Otunga himself is a notable reality TV runner-up, having been passed over for lifetime studding services by a professional skank on VH1's I Love New York 2. Back then, the world knew him as Punk; but from here on out, it's Mr. That Guy With J-Hud. Congratulations to the happy couple! [AP]
Misconceived Commercial Stunt Leaves Reality Star Wounded, Catering Table Dead
STV · 08/19/08 12:55PMPity poor New York — the downmarket reality-TV star, not the city — whose efforts to establish a legitimate acting career have found little yield thus far on New York Goes to Hollywood. Her painful, futile first-episode audition long behind her, the Flavor of Love/ I Love New York alumna (a/k/a Tiffany Pollard) moved on to a potentially huge commercial break last night only to melt down over a faulty prop. But as our mothers always reminded us: If it stings, that means it's healing, and her director's violent jump to her defense spurs a violent Japanese-language brawl suggesting New York may yet have a place at the table in Hollywood. Just not the craft-services table, which — SPOILER ALERT — sadly fares worst of all. Oh well — there's always Episode 4. [VH1]
Vh1's Biggest Celebreality Star Desperately Seeks Manager, Pooper Scooper
Mark Graham · 08/05/08 03:20PMWhile you might not recognize the name Tiffany Pollard, anyone who has followed Vh1's Celebreality franchises over the last three years certainly knows the name New York. After getting rebuffed by Flavor Flav on the first two installments of the gloriously trashy Flavor Of Love series, she became one of cable television's biggest stars when the premiere episode of I Love New York became the most-watched series premiere in the network's history. Now, having proved to be one of reality television's most resilient stars (along with Real World / Road Rules vets like Mark Long and Coral Smith), Tiffany "New York" Pollard is now attempting to be the first person since Real World: London's Jacinda Barrett to make the successful leap to silver screen stardom on her newest show, New York Goes To Hollywood. In the show's first episode, New York learns that, just like any other aspiring actor or actress, she needs to get herself a manager before she has the opportunity to show what she can do on the casting couch. Sadly, the monologue she delivered for a room full of low-level talent scouts — the kind that would have trouble scoring a table for 4 at the In-N-Out Burger — made Brian Atene look like Stanislavski's most prized pupil. Her poorly performed (yet hilariously overacted) riff on dog shit and public transportation awaits you after the jump.
'I Love New York 2' Contributes 'Like You're Wearing A Beaver's Ass' To The Hair-Insult Lexicon
seth · 12/04/07 07:34PM
A family dinner on last night's I Love New York 2 quickly descended into an ugly face-off between the mothers of Grand Prize Ho New York (so named for challenging both Port Authority and Penn Station's claims to being the East Coast's most traveled commuter hub) and her Italian stallion suitor, The Entertainer.