
Or Checked This Hot New Thing Called 'Google Image Search'

Pareene · 02/26/08 04:42PM

Dear Internet: If you really wanted to see photos of screenwriter Diablo Cody's nipples, you could've just read her old City Pages blog, where all of them came from. Honestly, people. [Defamer] (Clarification: we're bitching about EGOTASTIC, to whom we did not wish to deliver more traffic, not our friends at Defamer. Also the internet as a whole.)


Pareene · 02/22/08 12:22PM

It's snowing! We are vaguely aware that this is an inconvenience to people who need to go to the airport and such, but we don't care, we love it. Winter days without snow feel a hundred times more miserable. Celebrate New York's proverbial white blanket before it all turns into a mess of disgusting slush with this atmospheric clip of the gentleness that falls from the heavens. Suggested listening material: "Taking Tiger Mountain" by Brian Eno, Vince Guaraldi's "Skating" song from A Charlie Brown Christmas, Sinatra's "Sleep Warm" if you are feeling emo, or that easy-listening classic "Steal Softly Thru Snow" by Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band.