
The Politics of "Tranny," Debated By Trans People on I Am Cait

Rich Juzwiak · 03/14/16 10:23AM

On last night’s I Am Cait, a spirited debate between trans people over the social acceptability of the word “tranny” erupted while Caitlyn Jenner lounged idly in the background. Her hanging back was probably for the best as she allowed two very smart people—writers Jenny Boylan and Kate Bornstein—with very different relationships to a word that many consider to be derogatory to hash it out.

Caitlyn Jenner: "Every Conservative Guy Out There Believes in Everybody's Rights"

Rich Juzwiak · 03/07/16 10:46AM

The farcical degree to which Caitlyn Jenner was willing to blindly defend Republicans was on screaming display during last night’s second season premiere of her reality show, I Am Cait. Jenner is famously conservative (last week, The Advocate published a profile in which she voiced interest in being Ted Cruz’s “trans ambassador”), but last night’s episode vividly illustrated just how little logic or thought she’s put into that affiliation given just how little Republicans advocate for (and how often they advocate against) LGBT rights.