
Hovercraft-Riding Alaskan Moose Hunter Opens New Frontier in Fight Against Feds

Andy Cush · 01/19/16 11:56AM

Frankly, the Oregon militia boys are getting kind of boring. The authorities’ decision to avoid engaging with their antics is looking prescient: Without an enemy, the men occupying a federal wildlife reserve have been reduced from rifle-toting badasses to rifle-toting dildo whiners. So where to turn for your anti-federal government kicks now? Enter John Sturgeon, Alaska’s favorite hovercrafting moose hunter.

Teen World Cup Fan's Hunting Photo May Have Killed Her Modeling Career

Jay Hathaway · 07/11/14 09:14AM

It's a been a tough week for blonde teenagers who pose for Facebook photos with dead African animals. First, 19-year-old big-game hunter Kendall Jones had her photos of trophy leopards, elephants and rhinos scrubbed from Facebook after an internet backlash. Now the career of a 17-year-old Belgian model, discovered in the crowd at the World Cup, might be over before it begins because of her own hunting photos.

Wack Sports Getting Less Popular

Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/14 11:20AM

Good news, sporting enthusiasts: while "real" sports like football and baseball remain popular among the American public, there are indications that other, wacker sports seem to be falling out of favor.

Rich Texans Bid $350,000 To Kill Endangered Rhino

Jordan Sargent · 01/12/14 03:29PM

Southerners love to kill shit — this is one of the reasons why we must preserve the Second Amendment. If you're a rich Southerner you might also want to kill shit that normal people can't kill: like, for instance, an endangered black rhino.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/13 03:54PM

"I was left with an inescapable conclusion: Jews don't hunt."