
Paranoid Driving: Asking People If They've Seen Themselves

Whitney Jefferson · 02/01/11 08:00PM

These pranksters thought it funny to drive around a parking lot asking people if they've seen someone that fits their exact description. Yeah, you'd probably feel pretty paranoid after that, too.

Is This Where TLC's Programming Is Headed?

Matt Cherette · 01/30/11 11:04PM

In this parody-that-could-be-real promo for TLC—"The Learning Channel. For some reason."—the increasingly sensationalistic (and just plain weird) network's new lineup is unveiled. What's on tap? Well, there's Little People, Tricky Fridge; The Divorce Horse; and much more!

'Hooker Overcomes Illness, Slaps Beaver'

Richard Lawson · 01/28/11 04:38PM

Today in inadvertently funny headlines, there's this high school basketball piece from Kansas's Leader & Times. Sadly, the article does not tell the tale of a hard-luck working girl overcoming the odds to issue her traditional mating sound. (via)

David Letterman Gives Us 10 More Reasons to Laugh at John Boehner

Matt Cherette · 01/07/11 01:19AM

On tonight's Late Show, David Letterman delivered a rare treat—the episode's "Top 10 List" was actually funny! The topic was "Little-Known Facts About John Boehner," though, so it was bound to be a stone groove smash hit wonder.

What a Generic News Report Looks Like

Christopher Han · 11/21/10 11:30AM

Look familiar? The good folks over at BBC Four made a spot-on parody of what pretty much every news report looks, feels, and sounds like. It's wonderfully meta.. cheeky, actually.

If Office Space Was a Musical

Matt Cherette · 11/11/10 02:20PM

Remember Office Space, the stapler-centric disgruntled workers' cult favorite? Did you ever imagine the movie as a musical? Well, whether you did or didn't, here it is: a deliciously short—and sweet—Broadway-esque parody version of the film. Watch inside.

Screaming Profanity Will Save the Gulf

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/10 03:03PM

Unfuck The Gulf: the charity that lets you buy a t-shirt, contribute to charity, and watch small children screaming "fuck" on video, all for a good cause. Well. It probably wasn't necessary to use children, technically. Fucking BP!

Did Martha Stewart Just Make a Dick Joke on Her Facebook Page?

Brian Moylan · 06/23/10 02:38PM

We go to Martha Stewart for many things—recipes, decorating tips, officious WASP-y superiority—but for blue humor? Never! But now she's posting suggestive pictures on her Facebook page and our universe is turned upside down.

Christian Conservatives Praying for God to Kill Obama

John Cook · 11/18/09 12:27PM

There's a hilarious new meme in the wingnut sectors of the internet: someone's coined a bumper sticker slogan encouraging people to pray for Barack Obama. But here's the funny part: it's really a secret Christian code for "Kill the President!'

Who's Turned on Family Guy?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/09 10:30AM

After much deliberation, Microsoft has decided against sponsoring the upcoming Family Guy special, 'Seth MacFarlane's Holocaust Incest Tampon Hour.' They join an illustrious list of Family Guy haters.