
Meet the Reporter Who Was Cuckolded by Julian Assange

John Cook · 01/07/11 12:57PM

We've learned the identity of the sadsack American reporter who had his girlfriend stolen from under his nose by leaking lothario Julian Assange during a visit to Sweden last year: Vanity Fair contributor and Family of Secrets author Russ Baker.

Paparazzi-Sympathizer Britney Spears Forced To Discipline Out-Of-Control Bodyguard

Seth Abramovitch · 02/28/08 09:05PM

Thrilled that the Starbucks three-hour company-wide training retreat has made her favored Venti Frappuccinos frothier and more whipped-cream-topped than ever before, Britney Spears headed back to her favorite coffee-beverage emporium for a pick-me-up on this unseasonably warm L.A. afternoon. There, she greeted the increasingly emboldened 600-700 person paparazzo army gathered outside her car with a secret weapon: a new security guard, three-parts Farleyesque motivational speaker to one-part American Gladiator. Unfortunately, the overzealous security detail's photographer-tossing techniques and bellowing voice didn't do the singer's hangover any favors, and she was forced to point out for her employee, "You're screaming in my ear. Will you shut the fuck up?" to the wildly appreciative cheers and jeers of the gathered mob.