
Benicio Del Toro, English Entrails Star in Stirring New 'Wolfman' Clip

STV · 07/30/08 05:30PM

With the hazy, nut-hugging memory of Comic-Con thankfully behind it, the world has begun to take stock of the actual news that came out of San Diego last weekend. But perhaps the biggest story broke today as an erstwhile fanboy overcame his quivering long enough to capture this preview of The Wolfman, Benicio Del Toro's riff on the hairy horror classic. The (mildly spoiling) touchstones are all there for a hit in the making: tortured brooder Del Toro slashing top-hatted limeys; Anthony Hopkins's furrowed, torch-lit brow; Hugo Weaving getting out of a carriage; Emily Blunt in soft-focus peril; and surprisingly grisly flashes of the title character's prey. Seriously, this looks pretty good (the movie, not the video) but don't get us wrong — it's no Red Sonja. Really, though, what is? Judge for yourself after the jump. [TrailerAddict via /Film]